Frequent Love Sessions In Older Men Could Be Life-Threatening, Here’s Why…

Frequent Love Sessions In Older Men Could Be Life-Threatening, Here's Why...

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A new study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior came up with some interesting findings regarding the link between overall health and frequent love sessions in older people. Surprisingly, this news is not so great for older men who enjoy lovemaking on a regular basis. In this article, we will explore some of the findings of this fascinating study.

Frequent Lovemaking And Cardiovascular Issues 

Researchers looked into 2,204 surveys from older people in the USA who are involved in the National Social Life, Health and Aging Project. All of these people were between the ages of 57 and 85, and they were all in committed relationships at the time of the survey. These surveys were taken in 2005, and there was a follow-up in 2010. In addition to letting the researchers know how often and how pleasurable their lovemaking was, researchers recorded every participant’s heart health and blood pressure over the years.

Hui Liu, an associate professor of sociology at Michigan State University and a member of this study’s research team, wrote that older men that made enjoyable love regularly were twice as likely to experience a heart attack than a man who did not make love on a regular basis. Liu noted that the more pleasurable a person found their lovemaking, the greater the risk there was for a cardiovascular event. However, men who made love about three times a month and rated it less than enjoyable had no increased risk of heart attacks.

What About Women?

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Although this data suggests that making love can be potentially dangerous for older men, frequent love sessions seems to be very good for overall female health. Researchers believe that the reason for this has to do with the fact that women tend to perceive lovemaking very differently from men. The more pleasure a woman derives from a $exual experience is directly related to how close she feels towards her partner. This makes frequent love sessions more important for a woman’s overall emotional and psychological health. Men, on the other hand, tend to focus and expend more energy on deriving pleasure from climaxing.

The Different Focus of this Study

In recent years, many scientists have been touting the benefits of regular lovemaking for both men health and women. However, this study flies in the face of that modern assumption. One important finding researchers are keen to highlight from their work is that regular lovemaking is not a net good for both genders. One reason researchers hypothesize that former studies did not pick up on these health risks for older men was that most studies health and lovemaking did on $exual dynamics nowadays tend to focus only on younger people. Liu’s study specifically targeted older men and women.

Influence of Prescription Medication

Another major reason why there are more health risks associated with older men making love is that many men needed a supplement to perform in bed. Using er@ctile dysfunction supplements on a regular basis may have had a serious effect on men’s heart risks. Also, lovemaking seems to cause older men more anxiety because it is more difficult for them to reach a climax. Both of these factors put together to put a great deal of stress on the heart.

The results of this study show that the only real risk to lovemaking for older couples is when older men make love on a very frequent basis and enjoy it a great deal. The best thing older couples can do to be sure they are healthy enough for lovemaking is to frankly discuss these issues with their doctor. Only a personal physician can give his/her patients a thorough examination and tell patients both the risks and benefits of lovemaking for their specific situation.

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