The 5 Most Common STD’s in Men and Their Treatments

The 5 Most Common STD's in Men and Their Treatments

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It is a fact no one likes to consider: STD’s in men and their impacts on lives. We do live in a day and age where people are free to engage in passioned physical activities, and some choose to do so with caution, while others prefer to be a little more spirited.

Regardless, there is always the possibility of contracting an STD. In fact, according to the American $exual Health Association, nearly 50 percent of people in the United States will contract one of these diseases at some point.

Before you head out to the party and decide to get down and funky, you may want to pause and understand the risks. Below are the five most common STD’s in men, as reported by the Medical Daily in September 2016.

#1 Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
According to the CDC, HPV is the most prevalent STD among both men and women. The most common symptom for this STD is genital warts, though not everyone infected will develop this symptom. HPV has also been linked to some strains of cancer. According to the same information at the CDC, nearly every $exually active person will contract some strain of HPV throughout his or her lifetime.

There is a vaccine to help prevent infection. However, once you are infected, there is no cure. The good news is that this particular STD does usually clear up on its own. In severe cases that do not heal on their own, removing the mutated cells may be necessary through a procedure that includes cryotherapy, laser, or several other options.

#2 Genital Herpes
Genital herpes affects about one in five men in the United States, most of whom are under 25. This particular STD may be transmitted through any form of physical c where bodily fluids come from the infected person make contact with their partner. While this does not have any serious health risks, many people do experience moderate to severe discomfort.

Like other STD’s, there is no cure for genital herpes. There are antiviral medications, which can reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Way To Find Out For Sure If You Already Have These 3 STDs

#3 Chlamydia
Chlamydia is an especially dangerous STD in men, as in most cases there are no symptoms of the infection, so it can easily be spread to women. In rare occasions, there can be a burning sensation when urinating and pain or swelling in the groin area.

Fortunately, when Chlamydia is diagnosed it is treatable with antibiotics, usually clearing up in 1-2 weeks according to WebMD.

#4 Gonorrhea
CDC estimates that less than 50 percent of the actual cases of gonorrhea are reported. This is in part because in many cases there are no symptoms to report. When symptoms are present in men, they include greenish yellow or whitish discharge, burning when urinating, burning in the throat, painful or swollen groin, and swollen glands in the throat. These symptoms usually are presented within about 14 days after exposure.

Gonorrhea is typically treated with either oral or injectable antibiotics. Without proper treatment, it can cause epididymitis and in severe cases infertility. It can also cause scarring in the urethra. In extreme cases, gonorrhea can spread to the blood and joints and can be fatal. It is important that you seek treatment and finish all medications prescribed.

#5 Syphilis
Syphilis is more common among men than it is among women, especially men who are intimate with other men. According to WebMD, it has four different stages with different symptoms. The primary stage is usually accompanied by small painless ulcers around the genitals or mouth. A rosy rash that usually presents on the hands and feet, moist warts in the grown, swollen lymph glands, fever and weight loss usually accompanies the secondary stage. Latent syphilis is the inactive form of the infection and does not present any symptoms. Finally, there is tertiary syphilis, which is the sever extent of the disease. This can cause problems with the heart, brain, and nerves, leading to paralysis, blindness, dementia, deafness, impotence, and in extreme cases, it may be fatal.

Fortunately, it is treatable with antibiotics. For those who have been infected for less than a year, a single dose is usually enough to take care of the infection. However, with longer untreated exposure, more intense antibiotic therapy may be required.

These common STD’s in men should not be taken lightly and could be potentially fatal for both you and your partners. Be sure you know your partners and practice safe lovemaking.

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