His Wife Started the Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease and Was Stunned By the Result

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His Wife Started the Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease and Was Stunned By the Result

Ketone bodies made by the human body when digesting coconut oil could be an alternative fuel for your brain. This new theory is according to Dr. Mary Newport, who says coconut oil has significant benefits. Dr. Mary Newport believes coconut oil offers profound benefits when it comes to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. She started the treatment for her own husband and was stunned by the results! If proven accurate, her theory could be among the greatest natural health discoveries in several years.

The Backstory
Dr. Newport has a personal history with Alzheimer’s disease. When her husband Steve was in his mid-50s, he suffered from progressive dementia for more than five years. Steve then had an MRI, which confirmed the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

As Dr. Newport relates her story in a case study, her husband was in a fog for many days, usually for several days in a row. He could not even remember how to get water from the fridge, and neither could he find a spoon. She once asked him if a particular call she had been expecting came and he said no. However, Steve remembered the message two days later, in detail.

Dr. Newport noted that although information was still filed somewhere within her husband’s brain, he had no short-term memory. As a result, she developed a gut feeling that her husband’s diet was somehow contributing to his lack of short-term memory.

Steve began taking medication hoping it would help to slow the process. Unfortunately, he lost weight, became depressed, forgot how to cook and perform simple additions even when using a calculator. Although Steve remained in the good physical condition and spent his days working in his garage or the yard, he completely forgot how to perform several everyday tasks.

Finding Hope

There are several studies on the potential use of ketone bodies or medium-chain triglycerides in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Some of these studies caught Dr. Newport’s eye. Medium-chain triglycerides are also considered as a potential treatment for several other ailments including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, Huntington’s disease, and drug-resistant epilepsy.

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As explained by Dr. Newport, Ketone bodies offer a number of benefits such as brain recovery after the loss of oxygen, shrinkage of cancerous tumors, and heart recovery after an acute attack. It is also notable that children with drug-resistant epilepsy can at times respond to extremely low carbohydrate ketogenic diets.

The cells in a human body can use ketone bodies as an alternative source of fuel in the absence of glucose. Unless starved for several days, or when one is on an extremely low-carb diet, Ketone bodies rarely circulate in the body. As a result of the insulin resistance in Alzheimer’s disease, the neurons in specific areas of the brain cannot take in glucose, slowly dying off. Dr. Newport explains that these cells would most likely stay alive and continue functioning if they had access to ketone bodies.

The Results
Dr. Newport began giving her husband coconut oil on a daily basis. To ensure a constant and continual circulation of ketone bodies, Steve receives two tablespoons of coconut oil twice every day. As she recalls, Steve was alert, happy, talkative, and had a comparatively less noticeable tremor merely 60 days after he began taking coconut oil. As opposed to the previous ease with which Steve could be distracted, he also gained the ability to concentrate on a single task.

As Dr. Newport reports, Steve is an entirely different person one year after he began the natural treatment. Although he still has difficulty finding a few words, he actively participates in conversations, easily recognizes relatives, and has more animated facial expressions. Dr. Newport says they are quite pleased with Steve’s current state. She adds that should the coconut oil either stop or slow the progress of his illness, it would be worth every single drop.

READ ALSO:  This Blood Type Is at Higher Risk for Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Heart Issues

The topic of whether or not coconut oil is effective in preventing or treating Alzheimer’s disease is rather controversial. The conclusion that coconut oil is a treatment option is based mainly on the theory that the nerve cells in the brains of the individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease cannot properly use glucose to produce energy.

The inability leads to the starving of the neurons. A study conducted by Dr. Newport on her husband shows that coconut oil acts as an alternative source of energy. As such, coconut oil offers potential prevention if not treatment option, which is why many of those concerned about their cognitive future feel it is worth trying.

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