The Best 7 Green Smoothies to Manage and Prevent Diabetes

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The Best 7 Green Smoothies to Manage and Prevent Diabetes

Whether you are currently suffering from diabetes or want to prevent having diabetes, drinking green smoothies is a good way to make sure you are getting enough nutrients in your diet. Even if you are consciously trying to eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can, green smoothies have the advantage of having already been broken down which makes it very easy for our bodies to absorb the nutrients. You can easily make them from any locally available fruits and vegetables, or even your own garden!

Green Smoothies Recipes for Preventing and Managing Diabetes
These Green smoothie recipes made out of fruits and vegetables for diabetes enrich your body with nutrients which aid in maintaining your fat and blood sugar levels. They also prevent you from consuming food responsible for causing diabetes by giving you healthier alternatives which make the craving less, which in turn, ensures that your body remains safe from diabetes or other chronic conditions. Here, I will be giving you seven of the best green smoothies recipes intended to prevent as well as manage diabetes.

Parsley Juice, Tomatoes, and Watercress Smoothie


What You Will Need:
3 tomatoes
2 apples
A cup of parsley
5 sprigs of watercress.

How to make it:

Wash all ingredients under running water thoroughly to make sure no chemical residues are left.
The skin of the apple is filled with nutrients, but it leaves a rough texture to the smoothie. It is up to you if you want to skin your apple or not.
Cut apples into wedges.
Be sure to remove the core and the seeds of the apple.
Put all ingredients into the blender or food processor and mix for about three minutes or until smooth.

This recipe can make up to 4 and a half cups of green smoothies. The juice may be stored in the refrigerator for a day or two, but the presence of apple in this recipe will darken the juice in just a few hours. Though oxidized or browned apple is also considered to be very healthy, you may not find the color very attractive.

2. Hemp Seed, Kales, and Spinach Smoothie


What You Will need:
A bunch of kales
A bunch of spinach.
An ounce of hemp seed
1 large banana
2 cups of water,
Stevia (to sweeten the juice after preparation.)

The banana and spinach serve to thicken the juice with a very rich, creamy taste. At the same time, the banana and the Stevia are used to sweeten the mixture, therefore, reducing the taste of spinach, kales, and hemp seed in your smoothie. Many people do not like those last three ingredients but the taste of banana and a bit of stevia makes it very palatable. Add a bit of water if it is a bit too thick for your liking.

3. String Bean Juice with Brussel Sprouts Smoothie


What You Will need:
10 Brussel sprouts
2 1/2 half cups of string beans
2 cups of water
1 peeled lemon.
Cucumber (optional)

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How to make it:

Wash your ingredients well under running water.
Slice the lemon and remove seeds.
Slice Brussel Sprouts into small pieces.
Put the Brussel sprouts and water into the blender or food processor for 2 minutes.
Add in the string beans, cucumber, and lemon.
Blend the mixture for 2 more minutes.
Chill and serve.
This recipe can make about 5-6 cups of smoothies.

4. Cinnamon, Celery, Apple, and Carrot Smoothie


What you will need:
1 Large banana
1 apple, skinned and cored
1 medium carrot
a cup of celery leaves
1 whole lemon (seeded and skinned)
2 cups of water
A pinch of cinnamon powder
A pinch of pepper powder

How to make it:

Wash your ingredients well under running water.
Put water and carrots into a pot and boil for about 5 minutes or until carrot is soft.
Do not drain the pot, let it cool.
Once your boiled carrot is cool enough to touch, transfer carrots and water into a blender.
Add in all remaining ingredients.
Chill for an hour and enjoy!

This recipe will give you around 6-8 cups of smoothies.

READ ALSO: 15 Breakfast Smoothies That Will Help You Shed Pounds All Day

5. Orange, Kale, Spinach, and Chia Seeds Smoothie


What you will need:
2-3 leaves of spinach and kales
1 tsp goji berries
1 tsp vegan protein powder
1 tbsp. chia seeds
1 peeled orange
1 cup purely organic coconut milk

How to make it:

Wash spinach and kales leave under running water thoroughly.
Chop down the leaves and put it in the blender or food processor.
Add coconut milk then mix.
Add all other ingredients to the mix.
The smoothie can take up to 3 minutes to refine.
You can add some cayenne pepper to make it easier for you to drink. The above ingredients can produce around 3-4 cups of juice after preparation.

6. Spinach, Oats, Cucumber, Flax Seed, and Cinnamon Smoothie


What you will need:
1 bunch of spinach
1 cucumber
1 celery stick
1 tbsp. cinnamon
1 tbsp. flax seed
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
3 tbsp. organic rolled oats.

How to make it:
Wash spinach, cucumber, and celery under running water thoroughly.
Slice and chop cucumber, spinach and celery
Put all ingredients in the blender or food processor and mix for about 3 minutes or until smooth. This recipe will produce up to four cups of smoothies.

ALSO INTERESTING: My Favorite Nutrient-Packed Green Smoothie Recipe

7. Avocado, Banana, Almond Milk, and Spinach Smoothie


What you will need:
1 Large banana
1 Medium-sized avocado
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 cup chopped spinach

How to make it:
Just add all of these ingredients together in a blender and mix. Should make around 4 cups of smoothies.
Avocado is a favorite fruit to many people. Together with the banana, they make the juice tastier and more delicious. This makes the juice friendlier to many people who like these 2 fruits.
Green smoothies can be used effectively in the fight against diabetes. They can be used to substitute for meals or snacks and are very easy to make. You can even have a different smoothie for every single day of the week just to keep your taste buds fresh. In addition to managing or preventing diabetes, you will also get to enjoy better general well-being from eating healthier and getting a more balanced diet.

Author Bio:

Paula Hughes is the founder of Chew The World, a handy blog concentrated on food delights, tips, and tricks on preparing the best meals, getting the best kitchen gadgets, and being a better chef. You can also find many interesting recipes, top lists of kitchen stuff, and in-depth guides on everything related to the kitchen.

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