Signs of Poor Digestion You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

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Signs of Poor Digestion You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

Signs of Poor Digestion You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

If you have poor digestion, you have probably noticed by now – some symptoms are fairly easy to recognize. This means uncontrollable bloating and weight gain, and then feeling like there is nothing you can do about it. It can also mean belching, flatulence, and acne. All around, poor digestion can be the reason you do not feel good about your body. It is a beautician’s nightmare!

15 Signs of Poor Digestion You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

There are some signs of poor digestion that are a little less common and a lot less noticeable. However, these signs can be a lot worse than a little farting and acne! If any of these things apply to you, you should consider making a change. Here are some of the signs you should absolutely never ignore.

Symptoms of Poor Digestion

• Gas (belching and flatulence)
• Heartburn
• Chronic bad breath
• Feeling bloated
• Disinterest in meat
• Pungent sweat odor
• Nausea
• Weak and chipped fingernails
• Chronic diarrhea or constipation
• Craving for acidic foods
• Rectal itching
• Acne
• Chronic iron deficiency
• Eczema
• B12 deficiency

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If eating always creates an unpleasurable experience for you, something is wrong! Your digestive system is not functioning properly, but there is good news. All of these problems are easily treatable. Treatment can even result in a substantial improvement in your quality of life!

What Is the Cause of Poor Digestion?

Most of these symptoms mean that your stomach does not produce enough stomach acid. Stomach acid is incredibly important for the proper digestion of food, as you may have guessed! It sterilizes the stomach, defends against unwanted bacteria and viruses, helps to break down proteins, and helps food move through the rest of the digestive system. This acid is so powerful it could burn a hole in your carpet.

2 Signs of Poor Digestion You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

Food that has not been digested in the stomach properly and then moves to the digestive track means pain for you. It makes you feel bloated, is abrasive on the delicate intestine tissues, and can lead to severe food allergies or autoimmune disease!

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What Causes Low Stomach Acid?

There are a few reasons that your stomach might not be producing enough acid. What you eat is pretty important to maintaining a healthy digestive system. With unnatural fats and processed foods easily available everywhere, it is no wonder that so many people experience some chronic intestinal distress. Your digestive system needs things that have a high nutritional value! Zinc especially is important in the production of stomach acid.

Another reason you may not be producing enough stomach acid is because of thick bile. During the digestive process, the gallbladder releases bile to help digest the food in the stomach. If this bile is too thick, then it neutralizes the stomach acids and therefore makes it seem like you are not producing enough. Bile generally gets thicker as you age, too, so that may explain why you used to digest things better when you were young.

One of the larger issues with a lower stomach acid amount is that the problem perpetuates itself if you do not help it. It will not solve itself! It means that you will digest less food, which in turn means you will not get the nutrients you need to solve the issue. It may cause a little weight gain too, which most people greet with a dieting plan. These plans also make the problem worse! It is a vicious cycle with bad consequences.

Tips to Improve Your Digestion

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you definitely want to help yourself get back to normal. There are things that you could start doing today to get you back on track! The most important thing to do today is to hydrate yourself. This will help to thin out the bile a little bit. You can also eat beets, have a little lemon juice in your water, and eat regularly. If thick bile is the issue, you should also try to take a liver repair supplement.

To help promote healthy stomach acid, you should nourish yourself! Eat foods high in vitamins (especially zinc, calcium, and vitamin B). Avoid traditional dieting methods and food restrictions. These things will only slow your metabolism even more!

While low stomach acid can and will perpetuate itself, there are ways that you can reverse it and restore your digestive system to normal. It will probably never be how it was back when you were a teenager, but such is life! Even small improvements could make eating a pleasurable experience again.

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