This Is Why You Get Acne on the Chin and T-Zone

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This Is Why You Get Acne on the Chin and T-Zone

There are many reasons that people are more prone to get acne on their T-Zone as opposed to other areas. The T-zone consists of the forehead, nose, chin and the area above the mouth. In addition to helping you understand why you develop acne in this area, we will offer some natural remedies to help treat this issue.

Why do you get acne on the T-Zone?
For many people, the food you eat can have a significant impact on the way your skin looks and feels and whether or not you will experience a breakout. Some studies have shown that eating excessive amounts of dairy and soaked fat can lead to acne breakouts in the T-Zone. Another common cause of acne in this area is the accumulation of dirt and oil. This area is prone to collecting dirt and oil, especially because people often touch their face with dirty hands. The dirt then stays on the face causing the pores to get blocked and acne to develop.

Stress is another potential trigger for acne on the T-Zone.
Face mapping is another way to look at what is wrong and what might be causing your acne. This face mapping theory suggests that breakouts in the forehead area due to diet and lack of hydration. To improve your complexion in this area, drink water and eat properly. However, there could be multiple reasons for acne in this area and this treatment is not guaranteed to work.

Two other possible causes of T-Zone acne are pollution and the climate. Pollution might cause a combination of red zits and whiteheads throughout this particular area. This happens when particle matter in the air gets on your skin and plugs up your pores. Additionally, other gases and oils in the atmosphere can mess with the natural oil of your complexion and give your skin a waxier look and increase the production of pimples.


Climate can also cause acne in the T-Zone. If you live in an area that is often hot and muggy, it is likely that your face is producing more oil and bacteria. Even if you live in a very dry area, you can still be acne-prone. There is no moisture in the dry air which causes your skin to flake and produces whiteheads.

Treatments for T-Zone Acne
One easy way to try to prevent oil in this area is to make sure you wash your hands frequently and that they are always clean. This can help prevent dirt and oil accumulation. If you live in a highly polluted area and suspect that might be the cause of your acne, it is important to really cleanse your face. Your hands alone may not be getting rid of all the particles that are accumulated, so try purchasing a cleansing brush, as well as a face wash that contains salicylic acid in it.

If you think the humidity is causing your acne, you should use a moisturizer that does not contain any oil. Otherwise, you will just be adding more oil to your face and causing more pimples! However, if you live in a dry climate, try using a humidifier.

Although there are a variety of different things that can be causing your T-Zone acne, keep in mind that cleansing your face often, eating a proper diet, and drinking lots of water can be excellent ways to help treat your T-zone acne.

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