9 Reasons You Need More Bathroom Breaks

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9 Reasons You Need More Bathroom Breaks

9 Reasons You Need More Bathroom Breaks

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Bathroom breaks can be a disturbing problem that interferes with work responsibilities and social activities. This annoying symptom can result from a number of conditions that can be resolved with help from your primary care physician or gynecologist. If you suffer from the problem of frequent urination, make an appointment to discuss the issue with your doctor.

1 – Having A Small Bladder
Genetics has provided a variety of human characteristics, and some individuals are simply born with a small bladder than others.  If you have always made frequent trips to the restroom, it may be because you are built that way and will have to learn to accommodate this quirk in your everyday needs. You may be able to extend the time between bathroom visits by retraining your bladder or reducing the amount of fluids you drink during the day.

RELATED ARTICLE: 7 Natural Remedies to Heal Your Troubled Bladder

2 – Certain Medications Increase Urination
If you find you are going to the bathroom more frequently, it could be because of the medications you are taking. Diuretics are frequently prescribed for high blood pressure, and these drugs have the effect of increasing urination. If the problem becomes troublesome, talk to your doctor about alternatives that don’t have this side effect.

3 – You’re Not Drinking Enough Fluids
You may think that drinking too much fluid can cause frequent trips to the bathroom, but not drinking enough water and other liquids can also be a problem. When you don’t drink enough, your urine becomes more concentrated and irritates the bladder lining, cause you to urinate more frequently, but in smaller amounts. Try drinking more fluids throughout the day, especially in hot weather.

4 – You Have a Bladder Infection or Kidney Stones

1 Kidneys

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Bacteria can enter the urinary system and cause an infection in the bladder, producing symptoms of frequent urination, feelings of urgency and pain in the bladder. If these symptoms come on suddenly, you should see your physician for treatment that can quickly clear up the problem.

RELATED ARTICLE: 3 Ways To Prevent Kidney Stones From Forming Naturally

5 – You Have Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles
Age or many pregnancies can cause the muscles of the pelvic floor become weaker, providing less support for the bladder and reproductive organs. This action can lead to a need to urinate more frequently. Kegel exercise that strenghten the muscles of the pelvic floor can help to give better support to internal organs, resulting in less urinary frequency and urgency.

6 – You Consume Too Many Foods That Irritate the Bladder
If you are a big fan of coffee or caffeinated soft drinks and drink them throughout the day, it may be having the effect of irritating the lining of your bladder, causing the need to urinate frequently. This effect can also occur from spicy food you enjoy or alcohol. If you want to take control of your bathroom breaks, eliminate these foods from your diet.

7 – You May Have Diabetes
Individuals who develop diabetes often develop the symptoms of frequent urination because they often experience severe thirst and must drink excessive amounts of liquids. It is also cause by metabolic changes that draw fluids from body cells. Appropriate treatment can help to resolve this system and prevent further damage from too much glucose in the bloodstream.

8 – You May Have A Medical Condition that Affects Your Bladder

interstitial cystitis
The bladder can be affected by a number of medical conditions that can cause frequent urination. Tumors in the bladder or bladder lining can cause frequent urination. Pregnancy can cause increased pressure on the bladder that can lead to frequent bathroom breaks. A condition called interstitial cystitis causes increased sensitivity of the bladder lining that leads to frequent urination. Individuals who have suffered a stroke or have a neurological condition may develop urinary symptoms because of nerve damage. These conditions require proper diagnose and treatment by a physician to get relief.

9 – Lower Estrogen Levels After Menopause Can Affect Bladder Function
Estrogen helps to keep the tissues of the v@gina and urinary system healthy and flexible. When estrogen levels drop after menopause, these tissues can become dry and irritated, leading to increased urinary frequency. Talk to your gynecologist about remedies for vaginal dryness after menopause.

Frequent trips to the bathroom can disrupt your activities and cause self-consciousness. A visit to the doctor can help you diagnose and resolve these problems so you can keep up with your busy life.

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