Add This Powder to Any Drink to Heal Your Stomach, Muscle Pain, and More
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Are you weary of being subject to joint and muscle pain? Perhaps you’ve taken medications with minimal success. You may have traded some relief for side effects. Have you noticed that topical creams have temporary benefits?
The most effective way to treat pain is to remedy the cause. MSM is a potent natural substance that rejuvenates your body from within. It eases arthritic symptoms and a host of other maladies. We’re eager to share the merits of this miraculous compound!
Nature of MSM
MSM is an abbreviation for Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane, a form of sulfur your body uses for cellular repair. You need this mineral for the health of your hair, joints, and skin. MSM helps to process chemicals, metabolize nutrients, and supply energy. It also aids in forming connective tissue called “cartilage.”
MSM supplies the building blocks of methionine, a protein-based amino acid. This compound preserves your arterial and muscle function. Its anti-inflammatory properties vanquish pain.
MSM Sources
You can obtain sulfur by eating vegetables such as onions, garlic, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and red peppers. Animal sources are milk and eggs.
MSM as a supplement is a white crystalline powder. You can ingest it in tablet or granular form and apply it as a cream.
Sulfur Deficiency
Why do we need to supplement with sulfur if it’s already present in food? Unfortunately, improper processing, handling, and storage of food reduce MSM levels. Overcooking depletes this mineral. Boiling also leaches sulfur from food.
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Signs that you’re not getting adequate sulfur are brittle hair, soft nails, fluid retention, and liver disease. Pregnant women with low levels may give birth to children with defective nervous systems. Deficiency can also lead to fatigue, cartilage deterioration, and malabsorption.
Studies of MSM supplementation prove that it relieves arthritis, digestive disorders, skin conditions, muscle pain, hair loss, and stress. Let’s delve further into how MSM can boost your health and well-being.
Doctors refer to arthritis as a “wear and tear” disease. Cartilage is a protective tissue covering your bones. Over time, this cushioning material erodes, creating rough edges and spurs on bone surfaces. When the deformed bones rub together, the friction creates irritation and pain.
MSM restores joint tissue. It reduces the inflammation that causes stiffness. It also eases swelling by stimulating the release of accumulated fluid. Other bonuses are less joint tenderness and greater flexibility.
Leaky Gut Syndrome
You need sulfur to protect your stomach lining and digest food. Leaky gut syndrome is a condition where intestinal membranes develop holes. Normally, the cells covering your intestinal walls serve as gatekeepers. They govern the flow of particles through your digestive system, selectively allowing certain substances to enter.
Leaky gut causes these protective gates to break. Intestinal holes result from food allergies, medications, and medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. The pores allow undigested food particles, bacteria, and waste to flow into your bloodstream. The consequent inflammation leads to disease states. Among them are eczema, psoriasis, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome. MSM seals the intestinal holes, quelling the inflammation caused by leakage.
Skin Conditions
Are you troubled by rosacea, skin discoloration, and redness? Both topical and supplemental MSM reduce skin sensitivity and normalize skin tone. Your body uses sulfur to manufacture collagen, a protein fiber that cements skin cells together. For this reason, you’ll often find MSM as an ingredient in collagen products to keep skin flexible and smooth.
MSM lotions can clear the inflamed skin of acne, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. It also fades scars resulting from burns, wounds, and surgery.
Muscle Pain
Most likely you experience muscle pain, whatever your age. Whether from exercise or impaired mobility, this is a common condition. MSM promotes the movement of nutrients through cell walls, repairing muscle fibers. It heals tiny tears resulting from exercise. After injury and surgery, it speeds muscle recovery.
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MSM is a natural muscle relaxant. It also promotes comfort by blocking the transmission of pain impulses along nerve pathways. By expanding blood vessels, MSM revs circulation, expediting healing. People report pain relief from fibromyalgia, headache, migraine, neck strain, back sprain, and whiplash.
Joint Discomfort
If you have limited joint mobility, MSM can restore flexibility, making movement easier. Sulfur strengthens the connective tissue between joints. Tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome respond well to MSM. It also resolves the pain of bursitis, repetitive strain injuries, and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).
Hair Loss
If your hair is thinning, MSM can restore your locks by boosting collagen and keratin. Hair care products often include these two structural proteins to develop stronger, healthier tresses. MSM promotes a healthy scalp by eliminating dandruff.
People who supplement with MSM report feeling more upbeat, energetic, and calmer when subject to pressure and tension. Stress responses can dramatically subside, including nausea, acid stomach, fatigue, and headache.
A 2006 study published in Osteoarthritis Cartilage showed that MSM significantly reduced the pain and disability of knee arthritis. Subjects who took the supplement reported greater ease in performing daily activities. The research involved 50 adults, divided into two groups. One group took 3 grams of MSM twice daily, and the other group received a placebo. Study duration was three months. The researchers concluded that MSM can improve pain and physical function in people with degenerative joint disease.
In 82 percent of people with osteoarthritis, MSM shows significant symptom relief. This is the finding of a UCLA School of Medicine study, published in the American Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine.
A general recommendation is to supplement with 1,000 mg twice a day, taken with morning and evening meals. Most people can begin with 500 mg and gradually increase every three days. Seniors may want to start with 100 mg. The optimal dose depends on your age, body size, and the severity of the condition you’re treating.
You can ingest MSM in tablet and powder form. If you prefer powder, start with 1 teaspoon mixed with water, twice daily. As a cream, apply 1 ounce to skin three times daily.
Healing Time Frame
You may start to notice benefits after three weeks of use. More substantial results occur at four to six weeks.
MSM is a natural blood thinner. Encyclopedia.com warns that you should first obtain your doctor’s approval if you take Coumadin, Jantoven, or aspirin. Also, consult your physician if you’re receiving chemotherapy.
You’ll know you’ve taken too much if you experience bloating, nausea, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, itching, or allergic symptoms.
Currently, insufficient knowledge exists regarding the effects of MSM on pregnancy and breastfeeding. If this applies to you, avoid use.
Add Your Testimony
Join the testimonies of MSM users enjoying relief of:
leaky gut syndrome
skin conditions
muscle pain
joint discomfort
hair loss
You have nothing to lose by trying and greater comfort to gain!