How Tantra Techniques Helped With My Eating Disorder

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How Tantra Techniques Helped With My Eating Disorder

How Tantra Techniques Helped With My Eating Disorder

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Like many others, I didn’t even know that I was suffering from an eating disorder until a medical professional brought it to light. What I learned was that the problems caused by an eating disorder can lead to complications that affect many more things than just body weight. In addition to threatening your health, and eating disorder can affect your emotional well-being as well.

How Tantra Techniques Helped With My Eating Disorder

The statistics are startling. It’s estimated that somewhere between 1% and 4% of all women have suffered from some kind of anorexia in their lifetime. Anorexia is the most commonly fatal of all known mental illnesses in the world, and only a 3rd of those struggling with it ever get treatment.

I knew that I needed to address my problem quickly and effectively, but I had no idea where to start – that was when I learned about the world of Tantra, a philosophy based on awakening the most healthy kinds of energy within the body.

The truth of Tantra

You might have heard of the word “Tantra” before, but you may not know about the deep and rich history that it has as a cornerstone of traditional healing. Tantra, also known as Tantrism is meant to help channel the energy of the “macrocosm” (the world around us) into the smaller “microcosm” of the human body.

“Tantra” roughly translates to “connecting with inner self”. It is related to the Hindu philosophy of taking all different forms of perception, from art and science to music and medicine, to achieve perfect inner balance.

I was a bit skeptical at first, but it soon occurred to me just how Tantra and the ill effects of eating disorders were so closely related. Eating disorders force women to fixate on their mental pain and physical imperfections, which can force us to lose sight of the big picture; Tantric techniques are a wonderful way to regain a healthy perspective on life once again.

Many women are already fully ware of the physical effects that a mentally stressful situation can have on your body. If you’ve ever felt physically nauseous after going through a rough breakup, you’re not alone.

Liberation from dietary demons


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Master of the Tantra discipline have developed many different forms of rituals over the years to increase their worldly energy and peace of mind, and naturally, food is oftentimes a big part of the equation.

Learning the value of proper nourishment through a Tantric diet opened me up to a world of gaining much more fulfillment through food; not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

My chronic eating disorder had wreaked havoc on my life for well over a decade, and at times, it felt like there was truly no relief at all in sight. After learning about the power of Tantric techniques, however, I was no longer stuck in a cycle of being my own worst enemy.

Tantra Techniques Helped With My Eating Disorder

Diet and mindfulness

One of the most important principles of practicing Tantric techniques properly comes from understanding the relationship between diet and behavior, which an eating disorder has an unprecedented impact on.

An impaired diet impaired thinking, and impaired thinking makes it incredibly difficult to maintain a proper diet. With Tantric techniques, all of most important physical and mental faculties can be kept in perfect balance.

Through Tantric healing, even the most skeptical among us have converted to the lifestyle. Even though Tantra is heavily based in a history of spiritual pursuits, you don’t need to take it to the level of religion just to appreciate its numerous benefits. Tantric techniques are easy to implement and offer a kind of relief that can’t be found so safely with chemical treatment methods.

If you’re looking to experience the full benefits of Tantra for yourself, you don’t need to invest a bunch of money and time into reupholstering your entire lifestyle. Tantric techniques can be broken into simply by keeping an open mind and taking an afternoon to meditate. In time, mindfulness will become second nature, and managing your diet will have never been easier.


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