Study Finds What Exactly Promotes Weight Gain

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Study Finds What Exactly Promotes Weight Gain

Study Finds What Exactly Promotes Weight Gain

Weight gain is usually associated with diet and physical activities. Most people know that eating too much, and less activity are the culprit. Little do they know that there is an internal condition that also causes it, and that is lymph leakage. So, how does your lymph leakage promotes weight gain?

Study Finds What Exactly Promotes Weight Gain

What is lymph leakage?
According to Medscape, lymph leakage is the “disruption of the lymphatic system and is classified as congenital, traumatic, or neoplastic. It may manifest as lymphatic fistula, chylous ascites, or chylothorax.” In other words, it is a leak on lymphatic vessels from which the lymph fluid is distorted from its normal system.

How does it cause weight gain?
In a study made by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, it was found that the lymph fluid that leaks from ruptured lymphatic vessel causes fat to accumulate in some areas of the body that are rich in lymphatic. Moreover, lymph fluid is rich in fat and the leak also means the addition in the amount of fat being processed inside the body.

The National Institute of Health also conducted a study about the relationship between lymph leakage and obesity. It was concluded in the study that the leakage of lymph into the surrounding tissues produces free fatty acids that promote obesity.

Lymphatic system begins in the intestine with lacteals, which process and absorb proteins, lipids, and fats from the intestinal tract into the lymph around the intestine. When proteins and fats get into the lymph, they are processed in lymph nodes and filtered by white blood cells. The toxins are then taken out and the rest of fats and proteins are re-circulated. Because of this, an abnormal lymph system, especially a leakage in lymph vessels may trigger abnormal absorption of fats thereby augmenting its promotes weight gain.


Is it dangerous?
Lymph leakage has no immediate danger as it slowly affects some processes in which nutrients and toxins are filtered. However, it becomes severe overtime as an abnormal lymph system may fail to block toxins. The immune system depends on the normal working of lymph system. Therefore a rupture in lymph vessels reduce the disrupted the immune system.

It is recommended to address this problem by surgery in order to repair the damaged vessels. If you notice that you are gaining weight despite the fact that you are eating healthy food and doing regular exercise, it is best to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis because your weight gain may have been caused by lymph leakage.

How to prevent lymph leakage?
Lymph leakage happens any time. Although nobody is exempted from it, healthy people are less likely to experience it. There are many ways to prevent it, and the most common and effective method is by simply eating food high in antioxidant.

Rupture in lymph vessels is possible only when collagen and tissues that make up the vessels are weak. The weakening of tissues is due to oxidation. Therefore, the only way to prevent this rupture is through antioxidants. Vitamin C and vitamin E are rich in antioxidants and help in collagen formation. Citrus, apple, and blueberries are one good examples of food that can prevent it.

Furthermore, food or supplements that are rich in antioxidants can also boost the immune system that eliminates harmful substances, which may damage lymph vessels.

Lymph leakage is not a disease. It is a condition in which another system or process in our body is affected, which may cause future ailments. To spot this problem, you can observe how your weight gains in relation with your lifestyle because it has been proven that lymph leakage is one of the factors that promotes weight gain.

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