What Happens to Your B00bs When You Quit Lovemaking
There are numerous health benefits to lovemaking and even more reasons to make love often. People who make love on a regular basis are healthier, have stronger immune systems, get sick less often than those who don’t make love on a regular basis, have lower blood pressure, better bladder control… and the list goes on and on! Making love can reduce our stress levels, deepen our breathing, relax our bodies and our minds, give us extremely deep and long nights of sleep, boost our self-confidence, and give us many types of pleasure. But how does having, or not having love act, affect a woman’s breasts? Here is an inside peek into what goes on in your body when you quit lovemaking.
Decreased Sensitivity
One of the positive and pleasurable effects of lovemaking is that your breasts, which are part of an erogenous zone in the body, become tender and super sensitive when aroused due to increased blood flow in the body. Your senses, in addition to increased sensitivity, also sky rocket. When you stop making love, you miss out on this pleasurable perk-no pun intended.
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Not So Much Swelling
During lovemaking, your breasts are responding, changing, and reacting to stimulation just like the rest of your body is. Prior to @rgasm, your body heats up and swells with excitement as well as anticipation of @rgasm and release. The body becomes heated, stimulated, and swells as it is engorged with blood.
During plateau, just prior to an @rgasm, a woman’s breasts will swell 20 – 25%! This swelling and expansion keeps a certain elasticity to your breasts, kind of like giving them a good workout. When you stop making love, your breasts quit responding and “perking up”, which can make them droopy or saggy in the long run.
Blood Flow Decreases
One of the best benefits of lovemaking is that blood flow increases to nearly every part of your body. And the benefits of blood flow are fantastic! Increased blood flow through physical activity or hot play can benefit the heart, lube the body’s arteries, feed the body’s muscles, improve oxygen and help the blood reach those tiny extremities like toes and fingers that often go cold. When you stop lovemaking, your body misses out on this boost of blood flow to the body and all of the benefits that come with it.
Less of The Love Hormone
One positive, or perhaps not-so-positive, perk of breast stimulation is that, “breast stimulation can stimulate the release of oxytocin,” which is the hormone that causes uterine contractions during labor. In rare situations, an abundance of this sort of stimulation can induce labor within the last trimester. So, women who stop lovemaking will have less oxytocin present in their bodies and therefore, less chance of going into premature labor.
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Pheromones Won’t Fly As Far!
According to Lauren Greene, author and lovemaking expert for Women’s Health magazine, “the apocrine glands in the areolae release scented sweat, often referred to as pheromones.” But don’t worry, this “sweat” isn’t a urine-based excrement like the sweat that soaks us after a good workout; the sweat released from the areolae is largely unscented and undetectable, making the attraction that much more pleasurable and increasing your $e*ual attraction to your partner, which pheromones are famously known for. When you stop lovemaking, your body stops throwing pheromones, which means there is a good chance the connection between you and your partner will suffer.
These are just a few of the perks that lovemaking can have on your breasts. When you quit lovemaking, you are missing out on some super great benefits that can help you feel healthier and happier on a day-to-day basis. Now you can rest assured that your next lovemaking experience will bring even more pleasurable benefits to you because of all the great things you are doing for your body and for your breasts during lovemaking.