3 Ways to Eliminate Stress

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3 Ways to Eliminate Stress

3 Ways to Eliminate Stress

Stress is a dangerous health problem because it takes its toll silently. The emotional effects of your stress are likely noticeable to those around you, and it has the capability of causing rifts in or even completely ruining relationships. At its worst, the physical effects of stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease – increasing the chances of early death.


If you’re feeling stressed, there are some actions you can take to prevent those feelings from compounding to a damaging point. Take a look at a few of the best stress-relief tactics – and none involve substance use or a cost.


It’s during the times of your life when you feel like you don’t have even one minute to devote to meditation that you need the activity the most. Consciously removing yourself from whatever is weighing your down emotionally and giving your mind and body a chance to reset can do wonders for your mental wellbeing. No matter what is going on in your life, refocusing on yourself and the real things that matter in life can really change your perspective for the better.

There’s even more good news about meditation, too. A new study reports that people who engage regularly in meditation can reduce the age of their brains. The implications of this are obviously huge, especially as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are increasing in prevalence. In the study, researchers compared 50 people who consistently meditated with another 50 who did not. In the meditation group, the scans showed an average of brains that were 7.5 years younger than the physical ages of the people. Clearly meditation is more than a short-term solution for stress; incorporating it regularly can mean long-term brain improvements.


Take a break

Are you giving your brain enough down time? It may feel like busy times require you to work even harder and for longer, but pushing through when you really need a break can exacerbate stress. Walk away from your work, hand the kids over to your spouse or a grandparent for a few hours, and skip social engagements in favor of some quiet time alone if you are feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life. If you like games, stress reduction is just one of many health benefits of learning to play bingo, trivia and other concentration-heavy activities.

Pushing yourself too far mentally and physically will not make stressful situations any easier and it will keep you from being your most productive self. It’s also vital to make sleep a priority – health experts say adults need a minimum of 7 full hours of sleep in a day to stay healthy, happy and productive.

Get outside

There’s healing power in connecting with Mother Nature. Leave your electronics behind and just enjoy the smell of the sea, or a hike through the woods, or even just lying on a lawn chair in your backyard staring up at the sky. Don’t let bad weather deter you. Throw on your winter wear or take an umbrella outside to breathe in all that is taking place around you. Even a simple five minutes outdoors can invigorate you and make you feel like all of your big problems really are quite small in the grand scheme of the universe.

How do you keep stress at bay?

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