Do This One Thing to Make Her Want You More

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Do This One Thing to Make Her Want You More

Do This One Thing to Make Her Want You More

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Want to give her burning, hot love? My special potion is available on Amazon for just $9.95! Watch her swoon and fulfill your dreams tonight!Ha ha! Fooled you. If only a charm would compel someone to love you. How convenient that would be! But, like everything else, building a relationship and receiving satisfaction from it takes determination and effort.

Do This One Thing to Make Her Want You More

Have you ever met an excellent musician who didn’t practice? Neither have I. The same goes for building an emotional and physical relationship.

Yes. By now we are aware that women are hard-wired a bit differently than men are. For most men, the physical act of lovemaking can be a necessary experience. As my husband says, “It clears my head.”

Lovemaking may also fill the bill emotionally for a man. When men are stressed or upset or just happy – they will want to make love.
Because men seem to think about closeness a lot, we believe it must be related to testosterone levels. This is not the entire scenario. Men receive physical satisfaction, emotional closeness, reassurance and even transcendence at times, through love-making. It may well be a man’s deepest level of lovemaking.

Women need emotional connection before actual act, not during closeness. Many women feel that if their man was more emotionally attuned, they would have better satisfaction. The problems lie somewhat in societal expectations. Men are allowed few outlets for emotion in Western society. Anger and lovemaking pretty much cover the bases for acceptability. There is much emphasis on men being ‘strong’ and ‘self-sufficient’. Men are pressured to always be rational, practical thinkers, and closeness may be the only release from that tyranny.

For women, the bases are much broader. She is allowed free range to express emotional needs beyond this sparse societal suppression. Therefore, women sometimes see men as simply wanting hot moment and not wishing !nt!macy. Men need to learn other ways to express !nt!macy beyond $exuality, or women become burned out and turn off to advances. Women need men to communicate openly about other aspects of their relationship.
I hate to use this word, guys, but women are all about ‘feelings’. Emotional and physical feelings.

Don’t worry, I’m going to break it down for you, simple solution first.

RELATED ARICLE: 9 Everyday Habits That Holding You From Satisfaction in Bed
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Feed her first!
Surprisingly, data confirms that consuming food may persuade women of needs other than nutrition. In other words, the way to a woman’s heart may be through her stomach, as well, according to a study published in the journal, Appetite. Appetite is convinced that women respond well to romantic overtures when they are not hungry.

She wants to be known, and not just $exually. We all need affirmation at times that we are worth loving, just the way we are, as real people. When a person knows us as we are, we exist, somehow, within that person as well.

There are limits upon this. Don’t tell her she’s fatter after all the treats you’ve beguiled her with, but you still love her, anyway. Just don’t. Instead, share some funny incidents from your day, or some concerns. If you are having business reversals, don’t gloss them over. This gives an appearance of dishonesty, even if you are trying to spare her the hassle.

Yes, we want to know you care about us. To be cared for means a person is not all alone in the world. We need someone to share the burdens, the disappointments as well as the triumphs. I need to tell you I failed the violin audition and not feel that you will think less of me, but instead, understand my disappointment.

Compassionate people are capable of loving others. Women want a kind and generous man, someone of character.

Women are attracted to physical and mental strength. A man must exhibit both, in his personal life and decisions he makes. This is a major turn-on for women.

Every man is capable of emotional connection to a woman, and doing so gives her what she craves and you a chance for personal expression and growth.

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