
The Positive Side of Medicine

This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Lovemaking

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This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Lovemaking

This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Lovemaking

Lovemaking is one of the most physically intense and demanding activities that healthy people routinely experience. Breathing intensifies. Temperatures can rise. Flush intense feeling are normally part of it. Completion can lead to a deep sense of complete calm and even to spontaneous deep sleep. If it can have that sort of profound effect, it seems that something is really going on here and that there should be some sort of health impact. It also seems like any impact associated with it should be positive. But is this true?

Quit Lovemaking

Indeed, lovemaking is a solid work out for many systems of the body, including the endocrine system. This is true for both men and women. Do something to the endocrine system and it will impact everything connected to it, which really is all most everything in the body.

RELATED ARTICLE: What the Frequency of Lovemaking Says About Your Relationship

The connections between the love act and several body systems is strong and real. Thankfully, it is all positive too. This short video lists six things that happen when a person becomes abstinent. It should give pause to choosing an abstinent life-style. Don’t want to argue with science.

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