9 Healthy Foods That Better to Eat With Restrictions

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9 Healthy Foods That Better to Eat With Restrictions

9 Healthy Foods That Better to Eat With Restrictions

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Our bodies do need fat which is a critical component for healthy living. However, fat contains calories and without restrictions, fat increases the risk of weight gain and heart diseases. Consuming fat and high healthy fat foods in moderation have a lot of benefits to the body. Healthy fat is unsaturated and works to reverse the contributions of saturated fat. Here is a list of 9 high-fat foods that you should add to your diet.


Olive oil
Adding olive oil to your diet offer numerous health benefits. It is particularly healthy as it reduces saturated fat in the body while increasing the content of unsaturated fat. It contains 120 calories per tablespoon. It helps lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Various components of olive oil such as Seco iridoids and oleic acid slow the aging process in your body.

Extra virgin olive oil has the most health benefits as it is extracted using natural methods and doesn’t go through much processing. Two tablespoons a day of olive oil are enough for optimum health benefits. Over consumption of olive oil can lead to diseased arteries.

A ¼ cup of almonds contains 160 calories, 6 grams of protein and 12 grams of unsaturated fats. They provide the daily recommended 40 percent of vitamin E in addition to fiber, magnesium, and phosphorus. They also lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. 23 nuts or a ¼ cup of almonds is enough for daily consumption. Consumption of almonds without restriction can lead to weight gain.


A 1/5 of this fruit contains 20 nutrients. The fruit is composed of 75% fat which is healthy and unsaturated. It also contains 8 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber. The recommended consumption of avocado is two ounces daily to reap all the healthy benefits the fruit has to offer. Overindulging in avocados can lead to obesity, weight gain, and nutrient deficiencies.


Dark chocolate

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It offers vitamin A, B, E as well as calcium, potassium, and iron. It also contains a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and lowers blood pressure. You only need 1 ounce of dark chocolate a day as it contains 150 calories and 9 grams of fat.

Peanut butter
Peanut butter offers healthy fats that can be eaten once a day. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter provide 188 calories, 8 g of protein, 16 g of fat and 2 g fiber. Repeat servings of peanut butter in a day may cause nutritional deficiencies.

Olives are rich in vitamin A & E and copper. They contain heart-healthy monosaturated fat which is essential for fighting inflammation. 1 ounce of green olives is enough for daily consumption. It contains 40 calories, 4g of fat and a gram of fiber. Overconsumption of olives causes a detox reaction in your body.

Greek yogurt

It contains 70 percent saturated fat and a gram of trans fats. It has less sodium and sugar compared to regular fat. The trans fat is essential for fighting type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease. 3 cups of dairy are recommended in a day, and each cup of yogurt contains 1 cup dairy. Overconsumption will make you fat and foggy headed.

Coconut oil
It contains 177 calories per tablespoon and 21 percent fat. It contains lauric acid, a saturated fat which contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. A teaspoon of coconut oil is recommended for daily use.


One tablespoon of flaxseed contains 55 calories, 3g fiber 6 percent fat and omega-3fats. Flax seeds are a healthy addition to your eating plan. You can add 3-4 Tbsp of ground flax seeds to your daily diet.Overconsumption of flax seeds can affect your hormonal system and should, therefore, be taken with restrictions.

It is important not to overdo the intake of healthy fats. Fat should only comprise 25 percent-35 percent of daily calories intake. Unsaturated fats should always exceed saturated and trans fats.

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