Study Says: After THIS Age You’ll Become More Adventurous in Bed

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Study Says: After THIS Age You'll Become More Adventurous in Bed

Study Says: After THIS Age You’ll Become More Adventurous in Bed

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Love is often portrayed as only for the young. The media focuses and celebrates closeness between young people, and the idea of closeness for older men and women is often met with humor or even disgust. However, this view simply isn’t the reality. Over the years, researchers have found that older people enjoy closeness just as much- and even more- than their younger counterparts. Let’s determine the age when people become more adventurous in bed?


The Information and Education Council of Canada that focuses on closeness between partners recently surveyed over 2,000 people in their early 40s through their late 50s about their personal encounters. Interestingly enough, the finding was that 65 percent of those surveyed said they were very happy in this area.

University of Texas psychologist David Buss led a study published in an issue of Personality and Individual Differences. This study found that women in their 30s and 40s enjoy closeness with a partner more so than yournger women. When asked, these same older women admitted to having more thoughts about the act of lovemaking than they had in their 20s as well.

Buss and his researchers theorized as to why this may happen. They came to the conclusion that this happens as a woman becomes closer to the age of menopause. Psychologically, women may sense that the fertile period is nearly over and wish to be loved as many times as possible in order to have a child. Because it is more difficult to become pregnant during a woman’s 30s and 40s, this drive is heightened even more.

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Other experts insist that closeness becomes more enjoyable as people age may be due to an increased self-confidence. Older women and men simply know what they enjoy when it comes to closeness with their partner. They are also more self-assured and do not feel self-conscious about the way that they look. They may also be more open to trying new things when it comes to the act of love.

A study from Health Plus Magazine uncovered the fact that women past the age of 45 admit to enjoying closeness more than they had in their 20s. In fact, 89 percent of women over the age of 45 stated that they were now more adventurous. The study even found that women over the age of 79 stated that they were very satisfied with their partners.

UK researcer David Lee says that the belief that closeness is for younger people is a myth. Not only are there biological factors at stake, but psychological factors make this a reality as well. Mentally, older women and men are often more confident than they were in their 20s. It can be assumed that the best way to enjoy the act of love is to be physically and mentally fit.

Whether it be biological, psychological, or a combination of both, the fact is that older women and men tend to enjoy the act of love more than they did when they were young. Closeness does not appear to belong to any one age more than others, and older people seem to be enjoying themselves when being close with thier partners.

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