Do These 6 Things Before Bed to Save Your Relationship
Relationships take work and a lot of times, we get so caught up with work, school, and other responsibilities that we forget to take time out to focus on building a healthy happy relationship. We run ourselves down so much by many couples just fall into bed at the end of the day and fall asleep and barely acknowledge each other. But, there are things that can help. Do these 6 things every night before bed to save your relationship from the natural deterioration of time.
Number 1: Unplug
Two psychologist from two different United States Universities found that smartphones and other technological devices distract couples from interacting with each other, and surveys suggest that over 75% of women feel like smart phones are damaging important relationships . It’s important for couples to connect without distractions every day. Every night, take time to turn off the electronics and connect to your partner.
Number 2:Physical Touch
Every night, spend some time hugging, cuddling, and/or kissing your partner. Psychologists agree that physical touch is a crucial part of a successful relationship and, conflicts are more easily resolved while couples are hugging, or cuddling.
Number 3:Talk
In our busy lives, couples don’t always get a chance to talk. Before bed every night, set aside a few minutes just to talk. Talk about anything and connect with your partner in a positive, relaxed setting. This will help you connect and remind yourselves that you are not only in love with your partner, but you are really great friends with them too.
RELATED ARTICLE: Cuddling With Partner: Right and Wrong Ways
Number 4:Kiss
Kissing is a great way to keep the magic of your relationship alive. When relationships settle down from being new and mysterious, we often forget to take time to just kiss. Every night before bed, take a moment to really kiss each other and pay attention to how kissing your partner makes you feel. Also, think about what you are trying to communicate to your partner by kissing them. Pay attention, and focus on each other.
Number 5: Say “I Love You” And Mean It
During the flurried rush of the day, the phrase “I Love You” is more of a common saying thrown on to the end of a phone call than a thoughtful expression of how we really feel about each other. Right before you go to sleep, look your partner in the eyes and say I love you and while you say it, think about what your are actually saying. Think about all the reasons you love that person, and think of ways to show them more clearly tomorrow. This ends your day on a tender, loving moment that will cap off your night feeling overjoyed to be going to sleep next to the love of your life.
Number 6: Let It Go
My husband and I often find ourselves in stressful situations throughout our day where we have to grit our teeth and move on without addressing the issue. So, every night we get together and talk about what was frustrating or hard that day. We each take turns supporting the other while the other gets the day off their chest. Once we’ve talked it out, we take all the negativity from our day and just let it go. This makes us feel united and supported. We’ve also been sleeping better since we have started doing this and we wake up with less worry and more confidence.
Don’t let the monotony of your days wear down your relationship. Take time every night to devote to each other without distraction. Use that time to be truly contemplative and totally invested in loving who you are with. In the end, these things will only bring you closer together and strengthen your relationships against lifes worries and challenges.