Your Feet Hurt All the Time? – 10 Ways to Fix It

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Your Feet Hurt All the Time? – 10 Ways to Fix It

Your Feet Hurt All the Time? – 10 Ways to Fix It

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Considering that most Americans walk 75,000 miles by the time they reach middle age, foot pain is an issue that can have a severe impact on your quality of life. If your feet hurt all the time, there are 10 common causes of foot pain to consider. Most of these foot ailments can be eased with lifestyle changes or natural home remedies.

Feet Hurt All the Time

Wearing the Wrong Shoes

The most common cause of foot pain is wearing shoes that are bad for your feet. Many women get neuromas, which are benign but painful tumors on the nerves of the feet, from wearing heels. Other conditions caused by improper footwear are crowded or crooked toes and bruises. Shoes to avoid include heels higher than three inches, styles with narrow toes, and flat shoes like flip flops and ballet slippers. Make sure your shoes have adequate arch support and fit well.

RELATED ARTICLE: Heels Pain In Motion? Know The 5 Primary Causes And What To Do About It

In-Grown Toenails and Bunions

These foot health problems are often caused by wearing bad shoes, but they can also result from stress due to exercise or being on your feet all day. In-Grown toenails and bunions can be treated by soaking in hot water with Epsom salt. Ice packs can help with painful or inflamed bunions.

Calluses and Corns

Calluses and corns are thick, hardened layers of skin on the feet. Normally, they protect the feet from pain and injury, but if they grow too thick they can become painful. Soften your feet in hot water and use a pumice stone to gently remove them.


Pregnancy affects your feet because weight gain and a protruding belly alter your center of gravity and put more strain on your feet. Pregnant women should take time every day to relax and get off their feet. Staying hydrated and improving circulation with exercise and massage also helps. Pregnancy-related foot pain normally resolves after birth.

Weight Gain

Like pregnancy, weight gain changes your center of gravity. The same methods, such as rest and massage, can provide temporary relief for your aching feet. However, the only permanent way to relieve weight-related foot pain is to lose the excess pounds.

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Foot pain is a common symptom for diabetes sufferers. It is usually caused by diabetic neuropathy, which is nerve damage caused by diabetes. Keeping blood sugar level, complying with doctor’s orders, and wearing special socks for diabetics are the best ways to combat diabetic foot pain. Check your feet daily for sores or ulcers. These are serious complications for diabetics that can result in the loss of your foot.


High levels of uric acid in your body result in a condition called gout, which causes painful burning, swelling and stiffness in the feet and toes. Attacks of gout can prevented by following a diet that is low in animal products and high in fiber-rich plant foods, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly.

RELATED ARTICLE: Soothe Your Gout With a Simple Drink You Can Make at Home

Magnesium Deficiency

An often over-looked cause of foot pain is deficiency of the mineral magnesium. Too little of this mineral results in cramps and soreness in the lower legs and feet. Other symptoms of magnesium deficiency are cracked lips and constipation. Some medications, such as oral contraceptives, increase your risk of magnesium deficiency. If you suspect you are deficient in this mineral, take a daily supplement or increase magnesium-rich foods in your diet. Leafy greens, nuts and fish are good sources.

Excessive Standing or Walking

It makes sense that being on your feet all day causes foot pain, and if you have a job where you have to constantly stand or walk around, foot pain may seen unavoidable. However, there are many ways to reduce or eliminate foot pain even if you have to stand for most of your day. Wearing comfortable, supportive shoes is a must. Try to take short breaks to rest your legs whenever possible.

Flat Feet

Some people are born with flat feet, which means the arch of the foot is missing. If you have flat feet, your feet and ankles will feel tired and sore more easily after exercise or standing for long periods of time. Practice walking barefoot to build strength in your feet, and wear sturdy shoes with good arch support.

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