10 Thoughts He Has in Mind During $*x

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10 Thoughts He Has in Mind During $*x

10 Thoughts He Has in Mind During $*x

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By nature, lovemaking is a social endeavor, and while the healthiest form of lovemaking entails some degree of communication beforehand, this does not mean it is a gabfest. Quite often, couples may discuss lovemaking prior to set some boundaries and ensure that both parties consent and engage in only previously agreed upon activities, but once the rubber meets the road so to speak, things can get relatively nonverbal in a hurry—unless something truly awful happens. This may leave you wondering what is going on through a man’s head when he is engaged in the act of lovemaking, and the answer is, quite possibly, “a lot.” Here are 10 of the most common or oddest things a man may be thinking during the act of lovemaking.


1. She Sure Is Making a lot of Noise
Men often judge their self-esteem based on their ability to please a woman during lovemaking. As such, they often look for context clues that they are performing adequately. One such clue is a woman’s vocalizations. However, too enthusiastic of a vocal response may cause a man to wonder if the woman if faking it.

2. Okay, Now She is Not Making Any Noise
As mentioned before, men seek context to clue to know if their partner is enjoying herself. While too much noise may cause the man to wonder if she is faking it for his ego’s benefit, no noise at all can cause him to wonder if she is even enjoying herself or not.

3. Man, I Am Out of Shape
In most $exual positions, the man is providing the lion’s share of the motion. This is not always the case, but due to the nature of the act, it is often the man who does the thrusting. Depending on the man’s state of physical shape, he may be tiring which could cause a sense of inadequacy.

4. I wonder How Many Other People She Has Been With
If the man has not already broached this subject prior to coitus, it is often perfectly natural for him to wonder about the number of sexual partners his current partner has previously been engaged with. There are deep-seated evolutionary reasons for why this occurs, just so long as it does not become an obsessive or judgmental factor.

5. I Hope My Breath and/or Body Smells Good
Again, men often seek validation of their selves through their love partner. In this case, the man is less concerned with his $exual performance and more worried about the ambience his being presents in the situation. A man may further be concerned about how the woman will feel about him after the act if his hygiene was not up to par.

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6. I Wonder If She Would Be Interested in Trying This
Depending on how detailed the pre-coitus conversation delved, a man may be unaware whether or not his love partner finds a certain act enjoyable or whether she even finds it desirable. In this scenario, he may be too embarrassed to ask and either forgo the question or hint around it.

7. I Need to Make Sure I can Keep Going
There is a trend with what men think during lovemaking and much of it revolves around the quality of their performance. This is a fairly straight forward consideration considering that premature ejaculation is both stigmatized in most Western societies as well as not altogether uncommon.

8. How Long Have We Been Doing This
This thought may have two purposes. First, the man may have plans that he does not want to miss out on, so he tries to ensure lovemaking fits within a predetermined “window.” The second reason a man may think this has to do with whether the woman is still enjoying herself or not.

9. If She Does Not Orgasm from Closeness, Then I Have Failed
It seems the prerogative to determine self-worth based on $exual prowess can cause men to believe things that are simply untrue. Most women do not climax from penetrative intercourse, and instead rely on oral stimulation to achieve orgasm.

10. Are We Being Safe
This is another issue that should come up well before the act, but on occasion two individuals may rush into sexual engagement without making sure that the proper protective measures are taken. In this instance, a man may realize this mid-act and wonder if she is on birth control or not.

Conclusion: As we can see, men place a great deal of stock in their ability to perform sexually. This can create a host of anxieties and insecurities that may make him reticent to discuss fully and openly beforehand. However, with appropriate communication, both men and women can remain in the present during the act of lovemaking and have a wonderfully enjoyable experience.

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