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Slim Down Your Love Handles With This Simple 12-Minute Workout

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Slim Down Your Love Handles With This Simple 12-Minute Workout

Slim Down Your Love Handles With This Simple 12-Minute Workout

Occupational therapist, certified yoga instructor, cross-country runner and fitness instructor Melissa Bender walks viewers step-by-step through a 12-minute abs, love handles and lower back workout that requires absolutely no exercise equipment except for a basic yoga mat or plush carpet.

Slim Down Your Love Handles With This Simple 12-Minute Workout

Melissa translates her many years of fitness experience into a highly interactive workout that motivates viewers by showing them that they can achieve their toning, flexibility and strength-training goals in just 12 minutes a day with only a few simple exercises.

RELATED ARTICLE: Say Goodbye To Boring Crunches And Hello To Your Fab Abs!

The exercises in this video include “Plank,” “Superman,” “Dive Bombers,” “Side Plank Reach,” “Leg/Hip Lift,” “Bow Pose,” “Table Top Heel Press,” “Raise Leg Adduction” and “Walk the Plank.”

With each exercise, viewers should note that Melissa also provides instruction on proper breathing techniques to use during each exercise and offers details on other types of workouts that pair well with this one.

The written breakdown for this free workout and hundreds of other easy-to-follow workouts is available on BenderFitness.com.

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