4 PMS Signs You Can Fight Naturally
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Sometimes men joke that women’s PMS never ends. It is not always pleasant then all bad mood symptoms are associated with this particular cause, but PMS can indeed make life a little bit worse.
For some, this period reminds of a real hell, especially when it starts up 1-2 weeks before menstruation! During this time, women usually suffer from both physical and psychological ailments. Around 30-75 percent of women experience smaller or bigger symptoms of PMS, while there is 8 percent of women who suffer from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) – the emotional, psychological and physical difficulties that are even more complicated than PMS.
PMS can sometimes be very delicate, and adversely affecting the quality of life as well. However, if PMS is pretty severe and you can’t deal with it – a woman should visit a doctor to begin a hormonal treatment.
However, what are the most common symptoms and how to handle them in a natural way? Bellow you will find out.
1.An increased and sore breasts
What happens: during the cycle, estrogen hormone levels decline, while progesterone’s – is growing. The latter hormone is associated with water retention and some muscle relaxation in our bodies. In this case, the body preparing itself for a possible pregnancy, and therefore, a volume of breasts increases and becomes tender. Later, when progesterone returns to its limits, our chest gets back to the previous standard form.
What you can do: some women deal with this problem with individual lifestyle changes, such as caffeine restriction, reduced saturated fat consumption (in the chips, chocolate, meat, butter), or even alcohol, and smoking refusal. Good fat might be helpful here as well – eat oily fish, pumpkin seeds, linseed. Try out acupuncture; appropriate, well-fitted bras and so on. If you want to use medications to deal with this problem – always consult a doctor.
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2.Irritability and mood swings
What happens: you get sad way too fast, are often irritated even by smallest things, feel anxiety and depression symptoms.
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What you can do: regularly exercise, consider practicing yoga, meditation, positive thinking, intercoms therapy, acupuncture. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, for instance, sugar in the food. A good night’s sleep and adhere to a daily regimen might be pretty handy in this case as well. Researchers reveal that mood can be improved with vitamin B6 too, which you can find in sunflower peanuts, pistachios, and fish.
3.Weight gain
What happens: because the body’s fluids are detained, many women feel heavier and notice increased volume of a stomach area. And indeed – during PMS women usually gain a little bit of weight, but after period passes, you lose it with it. Alcohol, smoking, and salt-rich diet increase these signs, so it is recommended to say goodbye to these poor living and eating habits in general.
What you can do: magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin E, calcium – all of them can help prevent unpleasant symptoms of PMS. Some of these elements are found in leguminous vegetables like nuts or green vegetables while some of them need to be used in a pill shade. In this case – do not worry and hit online world to find the best products to suit your needs (Amazon might be super handy here with its coupons too), or, of course, you can always consult at your local drugs store and your doctor.
4.Abdominal bloating
What happens: When hormones fluctuate, our muscles in the gut relax, and that is why it seems that you have a bloated tummy. However, there is one more secondary reason – constipation, which can have the same symptom.
What you can do: eat more often and in smaller portions, drink carbonated beverages, avoid sour food, work out more often. Symptoms can be reduced with products that are rich in fiber: vegetables, grains, bran, seeds, fruits and so on are all suitable to deal with this PMS symptom without using drugs. So – try them out and deal with all these problems in a healthy and cheap way.
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