She Lubricates Her Underarms With Potatoes – The Result Is Incredible!

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She Lubricates Her Underarms With Potatoes – The Result Is Incredible!

She Lubricates Her Underarms With Potatoes – The Result Is Incredible!

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Potatoes not only taste delicious any way you slice them and prepare them, but they’re also a magical vegetable that can help women achieve a lovelier, even skin tone. We know that sounds exaggerated, but really, it is not. So, let’s take a closer look at the versatile spud as a smart beauty aid to add to your routine.

She Lubricates Her Underarms With Potatoes - The Result Is Incredible!

Raw potatoes have been known to remove warts and other skin nuisances. This starchy veggie contains lots of Vitamin C, which we know is beneficial to the skin. Most however, would never consider applying a piece of raw potato to their underarms. It sounds ridiculous, but it is quite genius, because the humble spud contains an effective, natural bleaching agent.

So, if you are frustrated with dark underarms, which is a common condition for many women, stop buying those chemically-laden drugstore products that are designed to bleach your skin. The prescription kind contain hydroquinone, an active agent which some studies show can cause cancer. You don’t need to take a chance and put yourself in harm’s way, when an inexpensive potato sitting in your cupboard can achieve the same mission in a healthy, natural way. Potato juice contains the enzyme catecholase that acts as a mild bleaching agent.

RELATED ARTICLE: How To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms And What It Tells About Your Health Condition

An underarm potato mask will do the trick, and there are two methods to try this unique skin lightening treatment. First, slice some raw potato discs, keeping the potato skin on. Rub a potato disc on your arm pits, using a circular motion. Continue this process for three to five minutes.

Then, take another disc and do the same technique to your other arm pit. Even sensitive skin will benefit from the potato slices, because this vegetable is soothing and gentle. Allow the potato juice to remain under the arms for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry.

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Another technique involves grating a raw potato into a small bowl and letting the natural juices accumulate. Then lying down, apply this incredible potato mask for underarms, making sure you wear a sleeveless top or towel, so you protect clothing. Allow the grated potato to sit on the arm pits for 10 minutes, then rinse off and dry. Perform this little potato underarm ritual a few times a week, and watch your skin tone even out. This method also sounds great for common discoloration around the knees and elbows.

Potatoes are gentle exfoliants, which means they remove dead skin cells for brighter, clearer skin. Plus, the spud is a moisturizing veggie, as there is nothing harsh to cause redness or break-outs if used on the face and neck.

Applying freshly cut potato discs under your dark eye circles improve the area nicely. Again, lie still for about 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

If you’re sunburned, you can gently rub potato slices on the red lobster skin. It is soothing and offers relief to burning body or face parts.

At $3 or $4 a bag, potatoes are inexpensive and a superb beauty skin treatment.


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