8 Easy Ways To Tone Your Tummy

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8 Easy Ways To Tone Your Tummy

8 Easy Ways To Tone Your Tummy

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Following are simple exercises that help tone the lower abdominal muscles.

8 Easy Ways To Tone Your Tummy

Managing to keep your stomach in shape gets harder and harder over time. Most ab workouts seem to target the middle of the stomach only, but the lower abs usually require the most work. Following are exercises meant to specifically target this area to help you eliminate that pooch and keep it away.



This exercise looks quite like it sounds. Sit with your knees bent and prop your upper body up with your elbows. Keep your knees together, and bring your legs toward you at a 90-degree angle while keeping your toes pointed. While keeping your hips on the ground, bring you legs to one side. Lower your legs, and then bring them to the other side as though making the letter “U” with your knees. Repeat this process for 20 reps.

Static Press

Static Press

Lie down with your knees and hips bent 90 degrees, and keep your feet flexed. Press your hands onto the tops of your thighs. Inhale deeply. Once you exhale, press your back against the floor while your push your thighs back against your hands. Make sure you do not bend your knees as you do this. Hold this stance for one count, and do three sets of 10 repetitions.

Full Plank Passé Twist

Full Plank Passé Twist

Start in a plank position with your feet close together, then bend your right knee and move it over to your left side. Slide your foot up to meet the back of your left knee by turning your hips to the left and rotating on the ball of your left foot.

Move your leg back to its starting position and repeat with your left leg. Pull your abs in as you lift each leg, and repeat 10 times for up to three sets.

RELATED ARTICLE: 7 Changes that Will Happen to Your Body if You Start Doing Planks Today!

Resisted Leg Stretch

Resisted Leg Stretch

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Lie on your back with your feet flexed, and bend your knees toward your chest. Lock your fingers together on top of your thigh and extend the opposite leg until it is parallel to the floor. Lift your head and shoulders from the floor by curling above your ribs. Push your hands against your thigh while bringing your knee toward your chest. Switch the same stance with the opposite leg and do 10 reps at up to three sets.

Reverse Plank Hover

Reverse Plank Hover

Sit with your legs extended and your feet flexed, and keep your hands on each side of your body. Hold your abs in tightly while you press down to the ground to lift your hips a few inches off of the floor. Take a deep breath, and pull your stomach in to curve your back slightly. As you exhale, bring your hips behind your shoulders, and hold this position for one count. Complete three sets of 10 repetitions.

Criss-Cross Lift

Criss-Cross Lift

Lie on your back with your arms at each side, and extend your legs up in the air. Cross your right leg over your left with your toes pointed. Take a deep breath, pull your abs in and bring your legs down to a 45-degree angle. Exhale, and bring your legs toward your body. Lift your legs past your head by lifting your hips and back off of the floor, and hold this position for one count. Repeat this for up to 30 reps.

Elbow Plank


Begin in a plank position propping your body on your elbows with your hands together. Keep your feet just wider than the width of your hips. Begin to take small steps forward as you slowly lift your hips little by little. Your hips should end up in high pike position. Slowly move back in reverse until you reach your starting position. Complete up to three sets of five repetitions.

Frog Press

Frog Press

Lie on your back with your legs turned out and knees bent so that your legs look like those of a frog. Keep your feet flexed and the heels of your feet pressed against each other. Breathe in, and lift your head and shoulders up so that you curl over your ribs. Lift your arms up with your palms down, and exhale as you press your heels and extend your legs 45 degrees. Breathe in, and pull your heels toward your body. Complete up to 30 reps.

The best part about these routines is that no additional equipment is required aside from a towel or mat for personal comfort. What are some of your favorite exercises for this part of the body?


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