Keep Your Breasts Firm By Doing THIS

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Keep Your Breasts Firm By Doing THIS

Keep Your Breasts Firm By Doing THIS 

Every woman wants a firm chest. Yet exercises for the breast aren’t always easy to find. Luckily, there are a few yoga poses that can help keep your upper body firm and toned.

Complete these yoga poses once a day for 10 seconds each to enhance your chest and tone your breast. After a few weeks, you’ll begin to see results. Your clothes will be more flattering, and your arms will even look toner too.

1. Warrior Pose

Begin by standing naturally with your feet facing forward; they should be hip-distance apart. Pick up your right foot, and place your foot, at least, four inches in front of you. Turn your left foot, so your toes are pointing behind you and the inside of your foot is now facing the opposite direction. Bring your arms up until they are parallel with the floor. The fingers of your right hand should be facing the front of the room, and the fingers of your left hand should be facing the back of the room. Hold this pose for about 10 seconds. Switch to the other side.

2. Bridge Pose

Lay on your mat with your hands at your sides with your palms facing down. Raise your knees to allow the bottom of your feet to sit flush on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles and your glutes to allow your hips to begin raising toward the ceiling. Push your elbows to the floor to raise your chest toward the ceiling too. Your body should now look like a sideways C. Clasp your hands underneath your butt.

3. Bow Pose

The bow poses sort of looks like the opposite of the bridge pose. To complete this pose, lie on your stomach with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your right knee; reach back with your right hand, and grab your right ankle. Bend your left knee; reach back with your left hand, and grab your left ankle. Raise your chest and your head, so both are facing in front of you. Hold the pose for 10 seconds while exhaling. Release while breathing out; repeat.

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4. Cobra Pose

Lay on your mat face down. Your feet should be hips-width apart. Place your palms on your mat; your fingertips should be almost underneath your shoulders. Face forward, and raise your head. Contract your glutes and your abs until your chest has risen off the floor. You can continue to raise your head, or you can look at the ground in front of you. Hold this pose for 10 seconds. You should breathe out as your chest rises off the floor and breathe in as you lower toward the floor.

5. Shirshasana Pose

Sit on your mat on your hands and knees. Your gaze should be looking at the floor in front of you. Your head will fall on the exact spot of your gaze. Press your heels together. Place your head on the ground, and support your head with the palms of your hands. Straighten your legs. Use your abs to raise your legs off the floor; keep your knees bent until you can find your balance. Slowly begin to raise your legs until your toes are pointed toward the ceiling.

6. Triangle Pose

Start in warrior pose (see number one). Slowly begin to bend at the waist until your right-hand touches the floor. The fingers of your left hand should point up toward the sky. Your right palm should slide down your leg and land on the floor behind your leg. You can also grab your toes with your palm.

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