Gaining Weight After 40 Isn’t Normal! Take THIS Test To Find Out The Real Reason
No one looks forward the challenges of getting older. While there are many things about middle age that we dread, it is still better than the alternative. One of the most irritating complaints that people over 40 gaining weight extremely fast. As people age, we are more apt to hold on to fatty deposits and it is harder to shed those unwanted pounds. Our bodies do not snap back into shape as easily as they once did.
Being overweight can subject people to several health risks, including Type 2 diabetes. According to Mayo Clinic.org, age and weight are the primary risks. Ordinarily, insulin that is produced by the pancreas regulates necessary sugars to feed our body’s cells. These cells build up a resistance to insulin when our bodies have an excess of fatty deposits. So, the pancreas works overtime pumping insulin into our bloodstream and our blood sugar balance is totally messed up. The result is diabetes and all of the health risks it involves, including death.
There are other risk factors that can increase diabetes risks, such as race. For some unknown reasons, people of African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic descent have more instances of diabetes. Men are also more susceptible to diabetes than woman are. People are also more prone to the disease if they have a family history of diabetics. The less active people are, the more of a chance they will be overweight and that elevates their risks. High blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, and high cholesterol levels all contribute to people’s chances of developing this dangerous disorder. Unfortunately, many of these risk factors are also contributed to the aging process.
According to the American Diabetes Association, there were nearly 30 million people who had diabetes in 2012. Over a quarter of that amount was people 65 and older. At least 86 million people presented that year with pre-diabetic symptoms and over 8 million people go undiagnosed, says the ADA. The source also claims that nearly 70,000 deaths reported in the US were listed as diabetes. That number does not even include diabetic-related ailments such as blindness, amputation, and kidney disease, reports the ADA.
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While these statistics are grim, people do not have to accept diabetes as their future. There are several ways they can lower their risks. The most obvious way is for them to ensure that they are testing their blood sugar levels from age 40 and older. Their family physician can run a fasting glucose test to check sugar levels in the blood for the past three months. It is called the AC1 test and can be taken during your quarterly checkups, say the Family Doctor.org.
This test can also detect if patients may be pre-diabetic. According to the Mayo Clinic website, a person’s blood sugar level should be between 80-130 mg/dl before a meal. If readings are over this amount, the physician may diagnose pre-diabetes or full-blown diabetes. This is usually when patients are put on insulin therapy.
People cannot make themselves any younger (despite all the plastic surgery in the world); however, they can do something about the main risk factors associated with diabetes. Leading a sedimentary lifestyle and being overweight generally are partners in crime against the body. The family doctor and a certified nutritionist can help people set a target weight and a diet plan to reach that goal. The doctor can also recommend a daily exercise regiment tailored for each patient’s range of movement.
There are also some natural ways to lower the risk of diabetes. According to Science-based Medicine.org, there are studies which show a correlation between cinnamon supplements and lowered blood sugar. People who took cinnamon supplements had a reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels than those in the studies who did not take the supplements. There have also been some promising results with chromium, ginseng, bitter melon, and fenugreek. A lot of physicians are recommending holistic treatments for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes. Before taking any kind of supplements, people should discuss it with their doctor.
For people celebrating the big 4-0, it is a time for them to take even better care of themselves. Routine checkups that include testing for diabetes are essential. Proper nutrition and exercise are all part of a lifestyle that can contribute to a longer lifespan. Preventative health maintenance is ageless.