How Much Turmeric Is Enough To Cure Your Serious Health Problems?

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How Much Turmeric Is Enough To Cure Your Serious Health Problems?

How Much Turmeric Is Enough To Cure Your Serious Health Problems?

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When it comes to fighting off serious diseases or conditions, very few choose to find treatment in food products over standard medicines. But in reality, food products can prevent and beat the same serious health conditions that standard medications.

How Much Turmeric Is Enough To Cure Your Serious Health Problems?

Turmeric is one of the food products that has been studied in preventing, elevating, and curing those diseases. Research around turmeric has found that the spice contained properties that are anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, cancer preventatives, and antioxidants.

Turmeric for Prevention of Alzheimer’s
In certain Indian villages, where turmeric is a consistent part of the daily diet, studies have shown repentance of Alzheimer’s disease is extremely low. In fact, these same Indian villagers have the lowest rate of Alzheimer’s in the world.

Turmeric is believed to be useful in the prevention and possibly treatment of Alzheimer’s because it contains the compound, turmerone. Turmerone encourages the brain to begin producing new neurons, that can, in turn, repair damage that has been done to the brain.

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This same principle can apply to turmerics as a treatment or prevention medicine for other similar diseases, like Parkinson’s, stroke, or a brain injury.

Turmeric for Treatment of Arthritis
Because turmeric is anti-inflammatory, it can help relieve pain caused by inflammatory diseases and conditions, like arthritis.

To help treat arthritis, turmeric can be used topically or ingested on a regular basis to assist in bringing down the inflammation and ease joint pain caused by arthritis. A recommended dose of turmeric is between 400-600 mg three times a day.

Turmeric for Cancer
Curcumin, an active ingredient found in turmeric, is proving to show promising signs of cancer treatment. When used in conjunction with typical cancer treatments, like radiation or chemotherapy, curcumin kills harmful cancer cells without damaging the healthy, normal cells around it.

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To add turmeric into a cancer treatment, it is most effective to incorporate turmeric into meals. When turmeric is attached to a meal, rather than taken as a supplement, it can be absorbed into the body more easily, releasing more of the benefits.

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Turmeric to Treat Psoriasis
Psoriasis is another condition that can be treated by adding turmeric topically to the affected area or taken orally. Like many of the other conditions treated my turmeric, the main ingredient associated with relieving psoriasis symptoms is curcumin.

Turmeric can treat psoriasis when added frequently into the diet of those suffering from the condition, taken as a supplement, or applied directly to the psoriasis flare.

Turmeric for Heart Disease
Heart disease is a complicated condition that many people all over the world die from every year. Although there are a variety of factors that contributes to the development of heart disease, turmeric has properties that can help reverse the damage already done.

One of the most common ways turmerics can help prevent heart disease is by assisting endothelium in functioning properly. The endothelium is the lining of one’s blood vessels and when it does not work as it should, the individual is at a higher risk of having high blood pressure, blood clotting, or a variety of other potentially devastating conditions.

In some instances, adding turmeric to your daily diet can be just as preventative of heart disease as regular exercise.

Turmeric for Diabetes
Turmeric can also be used in the treatment of diabetes. When taken regularly, turmeric can reduce the inflammation often associated with diabetes and can even help repair damaged insulin-response pathways.

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For diabetic treatment of turmeric, a daily curcumin supplement is most efficient for seeing results.

How to Add Turmeric to Your Diet
Because the most important part of turmeric to absorb is the curcumin component, taking a turmeric or curcumin supplement is the easiest way to ensure you are getting enough turmeric in your diet. But, turmeric is not easily absorbed into the body.

To increase the absorption rate of turmeric and curcumin, take turmeric with black pepper. Components of the black pepper will assist turmeric in being absorbed as completely as possible. In many instances, using turmeric as part of a meal, rather than an in a supplement, allows for better absorption in the body.

You can also choose to add turmeric into your prevention or treatment routines by applying it topically. If you choose to take this path, it is important to be aware that turmeric has a bright yellow hue that may temporarily stain skin or permanently stain clothing or furniture. Be careful when using turmeric topically.

Turmeric is much more than a colorful spice used in making curry. With its anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and antibiotic properties, daily consumption of turmeric can drastically improve even some of the most serious health conditions.


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