“Oopsy” Connection Between Your Coffee And Your Poop

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"Oopsy" Connection Between Your Coffee And Your Poop

“Oopsy” Connection Between Your Coffee And Your Poop 

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Most of us crave a hot cup of coffee in the morning. It’s essential for some in waking up and helping you to get moving. Yes, this ubiquitous cup of caffeine does seem to have a way of getting you going in the morning.


Have you ever noticed a certain urge to head to the bathroom right after drinking a cup of java? If so, then you are likely one of the 29 percent of people who respond to coffee as a laxative. It’s thought that this popular drink contains a chemical that stimulates the release of a hormone, Gastrin, that in turn stimulates the colon. However, scientists aren’t completely certain this is the cause.

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Lucky for you, it’s not believed to be the caffeine in this drink that makes you go.

A research study found that even drinking decaffeinated coffee can stimulate your colon. So, when you are sensitive to caffeine and don’t want the anxiety it causes you can still take advantage of that early morning poop stimulant.

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Plus, the research found that people who drink the brew may experience its effects within as little as four minutes. This could be a very good thing or a not so good thing, depending on how you look at it.


Coffee does seem to have a laxative effect on nearly a third of the population. Researchers believe this is the result of Gastrin that drinking a cuppa helps the body to stimulate. Of course, the best advice is to relax and enjoy it.

Summary: Drinking coffee may have a connection to your urge to visit the bathroom. It has been found that this drink causes the release of a certain colon-stimulating hormone.


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