Aging is a beautiful process. It is most beautiful on a woman who accepts and embraces each change and shift as it comes. Now, just because a woman may no longer be 25, doesn’t mean she can’t still look and feel her best at 55. As women age, it is incredibly important for them to make sure they take care of themselves in the process. Some of the best practices include exercise, proper nutrition, lots of water and adequate amounts of rest. Rejuvenating practices include stretching, massages, and facials. Speaking of facials, there’s a new type of facial sweeping the globe. It’s not the average facial either, but it definitely has the same effects. A vajacial is a facial for a woman’s vagina. Yes, that last sentence was written correctly. There is actually a facial for a woman’s most intimate zone.

There are plenty of places that offer vajacials for women. However, if a woman is shy and would prefer to take care of that area herself, there is a fantastic DIY recipe for home use. This mask rejuvenates and revives the skin down there. With age, child-birth and time, the skin tends to sag and this helps slow down that process as well.
The recipe for the DIY vajacial mask is:
• 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
• 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E cream
• 1 tablespoon of honey
• 1 egg white
Between Vitamin E and coconut oil alone, it can’t get much more moisturized than that. Vitamin E is a known moisturizer and revitalizer of the skin. Many women use it on their stretch marks, scars and dark spots to help restore the skin back to its purest form.
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As it continues to increase in popularity, many people are realizing the many benefits of coconut oil for different parts of their lifestyle, whether it’s through internal consumption, cooking, oil pulling for oral health or moisturizing of the hair, skin and scalp. Free radical damage happens as the skin gets older. The skin begins to sag, wrinkle and age. This is important for women to know because this doesn’t just happen to the skin on the face, arms or legs. This also happens to the intimate zones as well! Applying coconut oil supports, builds and protects the emerging skin cells. This ultimately slows down the aging process as well. Honey contains loads of antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, egg yolks are excellent for the skin due to their amino acids and nourishing components.
After mixing these ingredients together, place it in the microwave to warm up for 15 to 20 seconds max. Apply the mixture liberally to vaginal skin, but be careful not to get it inside. Some women recommend doing this process every day for seven days and then once a week after that. This will ease any issues of dryness and give smooth, supple lady parts. In addition to this treatment, it is also great to regularly practice Kegel exercises to improve the elasticity and tightness down there.
For women who already get Brazilian waxes and regular upkeep in their nether regions, this will feel like a breeze. For the women who are unfamiliar with their lady parts, it is time to explore and get better acquainted with how to take care of the most intimate zone on their own.