All You Should Know About ‘NEW’ STD And How To Prevent It
$exually transmitted diseases have been a huge issue for decades. Though people know how to recognize and avoid the common ones, new STDs keep appearing. Mycoplasma genitalium (MG) has been around for years, but researchers have just realized that it probably spreads by $exual contact. It is a bit scary to realize that there may be another $exually transmitted infection that can cause problems, but being properly educated about it can prevent you from catching it. Here is everything you need to know about this new STD.
What Are the Symptoms of MG?
Unfortunately, MG has gone unrecognized for so long because it is not often noticed. In a medical study that was looking at the effects of MG, about half of the women and almost all of the men did not notice or report any symptoms. Though MG symptoms are usually mild, you can look for a few issues that may be a sign of MG. Women who have MG may notice painful urination, irritation around the genitals, and bleeding or discomfort after making love. Men with MG may have a penis with a watery discharge or painful urination.
Does MG Cause Any Other Conditions?
Though the initial symptoms of MG are mild, it can cause somewhat more severe conditions. People with MG may develop an inflamed cervix or pelvic inflammatory disease. Cervicitis results in pain, backaches, and abnormal V discharge or bleeding. Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause a fever, extreme pain in the abdomen or cervix, and pain during !ntercourse. The research done on MG suggests that roughly 10% of all women who have pelvic inflammatory disease developed it after having MG. Pregnant women who develop MG have a higher risk for preterm birth.
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How Can You Find Out if You Have MG?
You should definitely go to the doctor if you experience any of the symptoms of MG. However, this STD is so new that many common lab tests for STDs will not include a test for MG. If you suspect that you have been exposed to MG, you should alert your doctor, so that they can send your tests to a lab that tests for MG.
What Is the Treatment for MG?
Often, people only go to a doctor after they have already developed cervicitis or pelvic inflammatory disease. However, the antibiotics that are prescribed for cervicitis, urinary tract infections, urethritis, and pelvic inflammatory disease do not work well against MG. In order to treat MG, patients need a five-day course of strong antibiotics. Sometimes, a specialist may be needed in order to effectively treat MG.
How Can You Prevent MG?
Like many other STDs, safe !ntercourse practices are the best way to avoid contracting MG. The only way to avoid getting MG is to only have !ntercourse with partners who have been recently tested and do not have the STD. If you have MG, it is necessary to notify past partners so that they can be treated, and you should avoid any $exual activity until the antibiotic treatment is finished.