10 Natural Male Enhancement Alternatives To Viagra That May Help You ‘Get It Up’

10 Natural Male Enhancement Alternatives To Viagra That May Help You 'Get It Up'

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What man doesn’t want to be considered a dynamo in the bedroom? Unfortunately, even with the best of intentions, sometimes things go south (I don’t mean to the Florida Keys for a weekend vacation). Whether it’s stress from work, one too many at happy hour or an underlying medical issue, there are times when men aren’t able to “perform” as they would like.

10 Natural Male Enhancement Alternatives To Viagra That May Help You 'Get It Up'

And while there are many different types of pills for male enhancement currently on the market, there are easier ways to improve one’s lasting power without ever having to set foot in a pharmacy.

Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction

In addition to the aforementioned reasons, there are various factors that can seriously impact a man’s ability to maintain an erection. For example:
• High-stress levels.
• Depression.
• Anxiety.
• Medical issues such as cardiac disease and hypertension.

You are What You Eat

Regular exercise keeps your ticker healthy, but what you eat can have a dramatic impact on your ability to go the distance:

• Avocados High in vitamins like B6 and folic acid, avocados are an optimal food for improving male enhancement. Vitamin B6 increases the release of specific hormones that actually increase a man’s libido. The folic acid found in avocados helps to improve the metabolism of proteins and increase stamina. Enjoying this tasty fruit with your significant can help enhance your personal life naturally.
• Chocolate is a known aphrodisiac. Dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine that helps to produce a feeling of love and overall well-being.
• Bananas are excellent sources of potassium and help to lower blood pressure, both of which can boost performance levels.

Manage Stress Levels

Stress is known for wreaking havoc on our bodies physically and mentally. It puts stress on our hearts and raises our blood pressure. For men, it can have a negative impact on their desire and performance. Find healthy ways to de-stress such as meditation or a relaxing massage.

RELATED ARTICLE: Men! What Does Your Erection Say About Your Heart Health?

Kick the Habit

Need to unwind after a stressful day, bid farewell to smoking. It contributes to problems down below due to the narrowing of blood vessels down below. Exchanging bad habits for good one such as yoga and other forms of exercise helps to reduce stress levels naturally.

Moderate Alcohol Consumption

Limit your alcohol intake if you want to heat things up in the bedroom. Overindulging lowers testosterone levels. Heavy alcohol use may also lead to full-blown ED.

Healthy Dose of Vitamin C

There is something about long summer days that kicks inner energy into overdrive. Melatonin production is inhibited when we are in the sun, which means higher levels of desire and less desire for sleep. Going outside and soaking up some rays will do wonders to “elevate” your mood.

A Two-Way Street

Being with your partner isn’t always about you. Honing in on what makes your partner happy can do wonders for your self-esteem and confidence levels. Simply being close will help strengthen the bond you already have.


Panax ginseng (Korean red ginseng) is a safe and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, although possible side effects may include trouble sleeping. It’s shouldn’t be used with alcohol or nicotine due to a possible interaction.


No Skimping on Sleep

Going to sleep and waking up at the same time helps to regulate hormone levels. According to a study published in Brainstorm 2011, healthy sleep habits helps to regulate testosterone levels. A good way to gauge how much sleep you actually need is to wake up without the help of an alarm. Choose your bedtime and then keep tabs on what time you wake up for a few days.

Medication Check

Certain medicines are known to cause erectile dysfunction including anti-hypertensives and calcium channel blockers.

Buy a Juicer

Watermelon and pomegranate juice tastes good and can be helpful in treating erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow.

If erectile dysfunction prevents you from rising to the occasion, be assured that in most cases, it’s only a temporary problem. Trying natural remedies might be just what the doctor ordered.

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