10 Mind Blowing Facts About Man’s Private Part And How To Properly Take Care Of It
Do you think you know everything about the human penis? Think again! In this YouTube video titled 10 Facts About The Penis That Will Blow Your Mind, the guys at Alltime10s have put together an interesting slideshow of the most interesting and unknown penis facts you’ll ever read!
The short moves from an introduction to a condition known as diphallia- in which a man can be born with two functioning penises, to an explanation of Koro, a cultural belief that a man’s genitals can shrink and disappear upon death.
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Also mentioned are details from the famous Lorena Bobbitt case of 1993. If you need to know more about sperm, ejaculate speed, and how it is possible for a penis to shrink if it isn’t used often enough, take a look at this video!