This Mother Saved Her Daughter’s Life By LYING To Doctors
When a person has a cancerous tumor, it is crucial to get treatment as soon as possible. The main issue with a tumor is that the cancerous cells could spread throughout the body, making it almost impossible to treat. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek treatment for a suspected tumor right away. When doctors would not listen to this mother who feared that her daughter had brain cancer, she had to lie in order to save her daughter’s life.
Amanda Davies is a 40 year old researcher from Cardiff who had to take extreme measures to get her young daughter, Lil, the help that she needed. For the first two years of her life, Lil was a happy and boisterous toddler. However, right before her third birthday, Amanda and her husband, Aled, noticed a change. Instead of walking how she normally did, Lil had begun to regress. She would use her hands to crawl up the stairs, and she was walking in a wobbly manner.
Amanda and Aled were getting concerned, but the doctors would not listen. Instead, the family’s doctor suggested that her issues could be due to a chest infection, and just told Amanda to bring Lil back when she was not sick anymore. Lil’s condition continued to worsen, she could not walk more than a couple steps, and she would often hold the back of her head and scream that it hurt. Another pediatrician just said that Lil was having difficulty walking because she was double-jointed, and he recommended that the family take their daughter to a physical therapist.
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Lil’s condition continued to worsen, and no doctors seemed to listen when Amanda talked about the horrible headaches her daughter was having. She was worried that Lil might have a brain tumor, due to all of her symptoms. Amanda decided to go to the University Hospital of Wales with a made up story in order to try to get a CT scan for Lil.
Amanda told the doctors that Lil had fallen and was experiencing all of the classic signs of a serious concussion. After seeing how much difficulty the three year old was having with walking, the doctors instantly decided to do a brain scan on Lil. Aled and Amanda were informed that the scan revealed a tumor on the back of their daughter’s head. Though Amanda says that day at the hospital “was the worst moment of my life,” it turned out that it saved her Lil’s life.
The doctors had caught Lil’s tumor just before it was too big to remove. Brain tumors are extremely deadly because over half of all cases do not seek medical help until too much damage has been done. The family was told that if they had waited just a few more weeks, Lil most likely would not have survived.
Just a couple of days after the diagnosis, Lil underwent a ten hour surgery to remove the tumor. Lil then had to be transported to the United States for extensive radiotherapy to completely remove all of the cancerous cells. The family then had to wait to see if their daughter would return to normal, since the doctors could not determine how much the tumor had harmed her brain.
It has been a year since the operation, and Lil is doing much better now. After physical and speech therapy, her ability to walk, talk, and play has returned. Though there is a small risk that the cancer could return, her parents are still extremely grateful that they have their daughter back. Amanda’s fast thinking and insistence that her daughter get medical help saved Lil’s life.