8 Unusual Signs Of Prostate Cancer Most Men Don’t Know

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8 Unusual Signs Of Prostate Cancer Most Men Don’t Know

8 Unusual Signs Of Prostate Cancer Most Men Don’t Know

More than three million cases of prostate cancer are reported each year in the U.S., which can be terminal for males if it’s not detected early and becomes aggressive. Prostate cancer is often confined to the prostate gland and can grow at different rates. Fortunately, there are a few unusual signs to look for to ensure that you protect yourself.

Signs Of Prostate Cancer

1. Difficulty Urinating

A  common sign of prostate cancer is having difficulty urinating. This is often accompanied by decreased force in the urine stream and even discomfort when you begin to urinate. It can often be challenging to begin or stop urinating when using the restroom.

2. Erectile Dysfunction

Some men may notice that they have difficulty getting an erection, which is known as erectile dysfunction. This can begin to occur sporadically then become more frequent, which can disrupt $exual activity.

3. Discomfort

A common sign that prostate cancer has begun to spread is pain or stiffness that occurs in the pelvis, chest, back, and hips. This can be due to cancer spreading to certain bones in the body with aches and pains that seem to increase in severity. There can also be discomfort that is experienced when in the sitting position due to an enlarged prostate. The bone pain can become continuous and can even lead to fractures that occur over time.

4. Loss of Bladder Control

Many men may be embarrassed to lose their bladder or bowel control, which is often caused by cancer pressing on the spinal cord, according to cancer.org. Men may also feel their legs and feet become numb due to the pressure. Loss of bladder control can occur more frequently when laughing or coughing.

RELATED ARTICLE: All About Prostate Cancer

It can also be easy to urinate more frequently than normal, which can disrupt daily activities. This is often more prone to occur at night.

5. Blood in the Urine or Semen

Blood is often present in the seminal fluid if prostate cancer has developed. You may also notice that there is blood present in the urine, which is known as hematuria. Both of these symptoms can make it painful to ejaculate.

6. Swelling in Legs or Pelvic Area

An additional sign of prostate cancer is swelling that begins to develop in the legs or around the pelvis region.

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7. A Sensation of Always Having a Full Bladder

The additional discomfort that may be experienced is always feeling as if you need to urinate even if your bladder is not full. Men may feel as if they still need to urinate even after they’ve used the restroom.

8. Involuntary Weight Loss

One of the later signs of prostate cancer is suffering from weight loss, which can begin after the disease has already progressed. There may also be sores that are present in the mouth, which can make it difficult to chew and consume food for proper nutrition. Experts recommend increasing calorie intake and attempting to eat smaller portions of food throughout the day.

There are many warning signs that are associated with prostate cancer, making it easier to detect the disease and obtain a screening or tests that can be performed by a physician. By monitoring your health, it will help to protect yourself and prevent cancer from spreading if it’s discovered early on. If prostate cancer is detected, men can consume cayenne pepper to destroy cancer cells or even eat soy to restrict the cancer growth in the pelvis.

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