This Woman Is Inspiring Everyone With Her 100 Pound Weight Loss. Here’s What She Recommends

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This Woman Is Inspiring Everyone With Her 100 Pound Weight Loss. Here’s What She Recommends

This Woman Is Inspiring Everyone With Her 100 Pound Weight Loss. Here’s What She Recommends

Losing weight can be extremely difficult, but inspirational stories like this one from Chaunda Walls can inspire everyone to get healthy. Chaunda grew up active in several sports and participated in beauty pageants, but after getting married and having children, she began to slowly gain weight. Chaunda lives in the South, a region where foods like fried chicken, which comes in at 320 calories a serving, are regularly served. Before she realized it, she weighed over 230 pounds.

Weight loss

Chaunda’s weight took a toll on her self-esteem, causing her to regularly break down and become depressed. Because depression can cause weight gain to occur, it added to her problems.

RELATED ARTICLE: Shonda Rhimes Shares The Real Reason Of Her Dramatic 117-Pound Weight Loss

She got to the point where she was too embarrassed so eat in front of others and knew something had to be done. When a visit to the doctor revealed that she had borderline high blood pressure, she decided that it was time to learn how to eat. Shaunda changed her entire lifestyle by eating healthy and exercise and lost over 100 pounds in this inspiring video.

Shaunda is inspiring everyone to get healthy and makes changes in their lives, so they can live happier, healthier lives with those that they love.

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