Man Discovers “Cures For All Diseases” And Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It!
Does one man hold the key that could unlock the mystery behind so many deadly diseases? With so many maladies becoming resistant to treatment, what if one person knew how to cure all? Born on November 26, 1933, in Honduras, Dr. Sebi (Alfred Bowman) could possibly this person. A self-proclaimed healer and naturopathist, Dr. Sebi claims he has been healing people who suffer from deadly illnesses for years.
He insists that he has the power to cure even the most terminal illnesses including HIV/AIDS, cancer and psychological conditions such as depression and bipolar disorder. His mantra of healing from the inside out went viral and forever changed the way many people looked at traditional medicine.
Unfortunately, he was brought to task after he placed several advertisements in notable newspapers to include the New York Post. Subsequently, Dr. Sebi went head to head with the Attorney General of New York in the Supreme Court in 1988 over claims that he was a fraud and was practicing medicine without a medical license.
Called upon to demonstrate his validity prior to his trial, he required a minimum of 10 people to attest to his ability to heal. Astonishingly, he rose to “stardom” when over 70 people stood behind him in court as proof of his alleged powers to cure all. Incredibly, he was found not guilty, and the court ruled in his favor.
Subsequently, Dr. Sebi has been called upon to treat a myriad of A-list celebrities including Steven Segal, TLC’s now deceased member Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes and music legend Micheal Jackson.
Throughout history, many different cultures have believed that healing even the deadliest of diseases came from within including Chinese culture. Oddly enough, it took one single man to show the world what other cultures had been saying for centuries.
This is not to say that Western Medicine is useless and impractical, but what if it is possible to cure a majority of illnesses that have already killed thousands simply by healing from within? Could it be that with the ever-advancing medical field we have developed this type of thought process that no matter what happens, modern medicine can save us?
Regardless of whether people choose to believe in Dr. Sebi’s ability, one thing is certain. We may not be in control of everything that happens to us healthwise, but choices we make today will play a major part in what happens to us tomorrow. Is mind over matter really the way to live forever?