How Much Weight Should You Lose In One Week?

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How Much Weight Should You Lose In One Week?

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How Much Weight Should You Lose In One Week?

You’ve probably heard friends and family talk about losing 10 pounds before their high school reunion, so they start a fad diet just to look good for that one event. Losing weight can’t be an instantaneous achievement, however. In fact, it takes many months to lose the weight you’ve gained over several years. Take a glimpse at how much weight is a healthy amount to lose as you look for real lifestyle changes that make a difference.

How Much Weight Should You Lose In One Week?

The Healthy Weight Loss Amount

According to the United States federal government, you shouldn’t try to lose more than one to two pounds each week. Weight loss requires burning more calories than you consume, so shaving about 500 calories off of your daily diet is a healthy way to achieve your goals. Avoid that candy bar in the afternoon to curb a sugar craving, and select a piece of fruit as an alternative.

Severe Weight Loss Health Concerns

Cutting or burning more than 1,000 calories a day significantly affects your overall health. Your organs must have an energy to properly function, for example. The cardiovascular system, including your heart, could actually sustain permanent damage with a starvation diet. According to the Mayo Clinic, it takes motivation to change your lifestyle instead of resorting to short-term diets that can actually harm you.

Eating to Live Well

It’s true that you can eat more in volume when healthy foods are involved. Fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains are perfect substitutes for fatty and processed foods. Learn to portion your food with fruits and vegetables taking up half of a basic dinner plate. The remaining space should be equally divided between starches and proteins. Additionally, be aware of each food’s calorie value by reading nutrition labels too.

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Adding in Exercise

You don’t have to be an Olympian to workout effectively. Start out with basic walking around the neighborhood for long-term weight loss. It’s possible to improve your workouts by slowly incorporating other exercises, including jogging or tennis. However, you can’t just exercise for a week and stop entirely. Ideally, you should have some physical fitness regimen adding up to one or two hours each week for the best weight loss results.

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Considering Vitamin Supplements

Mineral and vitamin supplements line the walls of nearly every drugstore, but it’s not necessary to use these pills to achieve weight loss. In fact, you should receive all of your daily nutrients from natural food sources. Leafy, green vegetables, and brightly colored fruit have extensive nutrients that your digestive system absorbs naturally. Keep a food diary for yourself to see where your nutrients are coming from, and you can avoid purchasing and taking vitamin supplements.

In the end, you won’t lose weight and keep it off without permanent changes to your lifestyle. Grab a friend and take a walk while encouraging each other to keep up with the healthy lifestyle. You’ll find that consistent support from loved ones is the best remedy for those chocolate cravings.


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