10 Phrases You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend On Her Period

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10 Phrases You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend On Her Period

10 Phrases You Should Never Say To Your Girlfriend On Her Period


Communicating with your girlfriend while she’s on her period can make you feel like you’re navigating a minefield. One minute life is fine, and then you make a seemingly simple observation or comment, and kaboom. She’s angry with you for days after the end of her cycle.

To avoid this, here are 10 tips on what not to say to your girlfriend when she’s on her period:

1. Didn’t you just have your period?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but once a month doesn’t really mean you have 30 days between periods. A normal cycle is calculated from the first day of one cycle to the first day of the next and normally runs 25-30 days.

2. Are you PMSing?

PMS can cause mood swings, pain, food cravings, and other nasty stuff that makes her irritable. Depending on the woman, PMS can start up to a week before her cycle and there is no predicting it.

3. I understand exactly how you feel.

You many sympathize with your girlfriend, but you don’t know how it feels.

4. You Can Do Other Stuff?

An 0rgasm can actually help alleviate cramps and other menstrual discomfort, but asking for a $ex act from her when you don’t plan to reciprocate is just selfish.

5. It’s probably just stress.

Stress is more likely to cause an irregular menstrual cycle or a missed cycle rather than menstrual discomfort.

6. You don’t look so good.

She might not look her best because of bloating, tiredness, iron deficiency, and menstrual related acne.

7. You seem fine to me.

If she says she doesn’t feel good, just believe her.

8. Let’s talk later, after your period is over.

Only wanting to be around your girlfriend when she is able to grant you $exual favors or is in a good mood tells her that you aren’t the kind of guy that would be there for her through tough times.

9. You’ll feel better once we get there.

While exercise can alleviate some period pain, forced socialization likely won’t.

10. Other girls I know are never sick like this during their periods.

Every woman experiences her cycle differently. There is no right way, and comparing her to others who have it easier isn’t going to make her feel any better

Your girlfriend’s period doesn’t mean she gets a pass on being rude, but it’s also not an excuse for you to avoid her or treat her less respectfully. Just remember, it’s only a few days out of each month.

Leave a comment below with your tips and thoughts on how you manage your girlfriend’s period.

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