What Your Lips Say About Your Personality ?
Did you know that lips disclose character traits? The ancient skill of Chinese face-reading links lip features to identity. Your mouth shape mirrors how you relate to people. Likewise, your lip print bears the stamp of your temperament. Below are amazing facts your lips say about your personality.
Four regions comprise your unique kisser. They are:
Cupid’s Bow – the double curve of your upper lip with the central “V” or dip. This region resembles the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of love.
Natural Lip Line – the border of your lip, where your mouth ends and face begins.
Corners – the outer edges of your lips.
Teardrop – the middle downward curve of your lower lip. It’s not as pointed as your cupid’s bow.
Lipsology is the science of lip analysis. It’s the interpretation of mouth characteristics, such as:
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This study of lips derives from Chinese medicine. It’s an aspect of face-reading, also known as Mien Shiang. The origin of this practice dates back 3,000 years. In recent times, face-reading has become more popular. There are schools that teach the art of Mien Shiang. Face-mapping is used at spas and medical clinics, combining Chinese medicine with Western dermatology procedures. Mien Shiang has identified 47 different mouth types. Following are seven of the most common ones.
Three lip features define your human traits. They are size, plumpness, and your cupid’s bow.
Women with plump lips are confident and courageous. They care deeply about people and put others’ needs first. Generous and nurturing, they naturally gravitate toward motherhood. They also value friendship and social connections. The thicker a woman’s lips are, the more passionate she is.
Kerry Washington
Thin-lipped women tend to be loners. They’re independent, cautious, and reserved. Determined and persistent, they’re high achievers. They also have a sweet and sensitive side.
Jennifer Aniston
Women with outstretched mouths are lively and talented. They have a variety of interests and a large circle of friends. They tend toward perfectionism, although they are adaptable. They march to the beat of their own drum and don’t follow the crowd.
Anne Hathaway
Button-shaped kissers are vivacious and charming. They’re self-assured, adventurous, and unafraid to take risks. They glow with bright charisma.
Molly Ringwald
Bow-shaped lips have a peaked cupid’s bow. This signals a creative and quick-minded woman. She’s the essence of glamour and elegance. Heart shapes are expressive in voicing opinions. They grab life by the horns and take charge of situations. These romantic lips speak of exuberance and vigor.
Taylor Swift
Like the fairy tale, these symmetric lips are “just right.” They’re neither full nor thin, but medium-sized. The cupid’s bow is rounded, a sign of being kind. These lips indicate a woman with an even temperament. She takes time for people and is considerate of others. She likes connecting with friends but isn’t clingy.
Selena Gomez
Fullness front-and-center identifies a natural performer. She likes to be in the spotlight, at the center of attention. Thin corners indicate a fun-loving gal.
Chrissy Teigen
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Your lip blot on a tissue is also revealing. Jilly Eddy has refined the science of reading lip prints. An expert lipsologist, she’s a Seattle-based performer whose spot-on analysis are astounding. She’s spent nearly 30 years studying over 10,000 lip prints. She shares her insights with warmth and humor, spurring people to personal reflection and change. Ms. Eddy’s work has been presented in the Seattle Times, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Los Angeles Times. She’s also been interviewed on radio and TV.
Use Ms. Eddy’s knowledge for more personality clues. Locate a mirror and:
Apply dark lipstick.
Blot your mouth with a tissue.
Find your lip print among the images below.
– Your upper lips peak at a central point, and your lower lip follows a straight line.
Interpretation – You excel at recognizing and developing talent. You’re suited to supportive roles, such as a teacher, counselor, manager, and coach. Your career niche is in Human Resources and Technical Support.
– Both your upper and lower lips peak at a central point in a diamond shape.
Interpretation – You shine, sister! Your personality is dazzling. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, and so are you. You’re successful and accomplished, taking pride in all you do. You enjoy helping others achieve their dreams. Your professional forte is mentoring. You’ll make a great tutor.
– Your lip pattern is rectangular, without any curves.
Interpretation – You’re a stellar problem-solver. You’re the anchor in a storm, sought out for answers to dilemmas. You’re a skillful negotiator, adept at maintaining peace. You’ll be a superb arbitrator, mediator, legal administrator, human resources specialist, and a vendor manager.
– Your lips touch, with little space between them.
Interpretation – You’re a person of your word. Once you make up your mind, there’s nothing that can change it! You always finish what you start. This ability makes you a respected resource planner, accountant, lawyer, and project manager.
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– The corners on the sides of your lip print don’t meet.
Interpretation – You bubble with vitality and like to keep busy. Cool as a cucumber, you’re an efficient multi-tasker. Motherhood is a breeze for you. You also excel as a receptionist, department manager, event planner, nurse, teacher, waitress, and chef.
– You have a solid pucker print.
Interpretation – You’re bold, confident, and optimistic. You have strong leadership qualities and are very persuasive. You’re bound for success as a lawyer, sales rep, real estate associate, and telemarketer.
FAINT – Your print is a wisp of a kiss.
Interpretation – You need some time to relax and unwind. You’re tired and can use some space, without having to contend with anyone else. Your work situation mandates a rest. How about an appointment for a massage or spa day? At the very least, luxuriate in a long shower or bubble bath. You deserve some pampering and TLC.
– You have clear lines that radiate from the inside of the lips.
Interpretation – There are unresolved issues, problems that need to be addressed and settled.
– Your lips show a distinct outline that’s fringed or dark.
Interpretation – You’ve jumped from stressed to overwhelmed. Responsibilities are wearing you thin. You have too much on your plate, and it’s time to delegate. You’re a terrific leader with a strong work ethic. Still, you owe it to yourself to garner some support.
Lip-reading provides valuable insights. A tissue blot reveals your emotional state. Stress lines tell you to tackle an issue. A faint print whispers “You need some rest.”
Reading lips will guide you in relationships. Fullness identifies a generous guy. Thin kissers speak of a sensitive type. If you fine-tune lip-reading, you’ll sidestep surprises.
What do your pretty lips say about you?