Find Out What’s The Perfect Temperature For Sleep

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Find Out What’s The Perfect Temperature For Sleep

Find Out What’s The Perfect Temperature For Sleep

Time travel has been the subject of countless books and movies. Who wouldn’t want to go back in time and relive some of the great moments of history like the invention of home air conditioning and heating?

Don’t let that one fool you. Of all of the world’s inventions and great events, don’t discount air conditioning and heating. Think about it: How much productivity in the world can be attributed to reliable air conditioning and heating? Imagine how uncomfortable it would be having your teeth cleaned on a sweltering summer day or working at your office desk during the winter, relying on a coal or wood stove to keep you warm. Air conditioning and heating have made the world a much more comfortable place not only at work but especially in the home.

Everyone knows most of us spend about a third of each day sleeping, but for many, it’s not an entirely restful time. This is because everyone is different when it comes to the best room temperature for sleeping. Some like it chilly while others prefer a slightly warmer room. Believe it or not, there has been quite a bit of research on the subject of the optimal room temperature for sleeping, and it is fairly conclusive.
Researchers have discovered that the human body sleeps best with an ambient room temperature of anywhere from 64-70 degrees Fahrenheit. A few variables come into play when finding the perfect sleep temperature:

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Metabolism is the amount of energy the body burns to maintain itself. Our metabolic rates vary, and research has shown that on average, rates decrease by about 15% during sleep. This is the body’s natural way of winding down, and a cooler room will enhance the sleep experience.


Temperatures within the 64-70 degree range help decrease the core body temperature to facilitate a good night’s sleep. Researchers have determined that insomniacs almost universally have a higher core body temperature than non-insomniacs, leading to restlessness and the inability to maintain a healthy sleep pattern throughout the night.


If you live alone, it’s much easier and more convenient to set the temperature where you feel you get the best night’s sleep. If you have others living with you, though, you need to find a “thermally neutral room temperature”, which simply means that no one has to shiver to create heat, nor sweat to remove heat from their body. This will take a little trial and error, but just remember the suggested range of 64-70 degrees. Be aware, though, that a room below 64 degrees may also cause restlessness.

Reliable air conditioning and heating enhances our lives in so many ways. Taking all of this into consideration, what is your best room temperature for optimal sleep?

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