
The Positive Side of Medicine

How Eating A Big Mac Effects The Body After 1 Hour

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How Eating A Big Mac Effects The Body After 1 Hour

How Eating A Big Mac Effects The Body After 1 Hour

Unless you live on Mars, you probably know fast food really isn’t that good for us. From refined carbohydrates to the excessive amount of fat, it’s pretty safe to say we could live without. Unfortunately, with time constraints and a grumbling stomach, where’s the first place you go?


Courtesy of: Fastfoodmenuprice.com

The moment you take the first bite of a Big Mac, it’s pure heaven. How can you deny yourself two patties with special sauce and cheese all on a warm sesame seed bun? Throw in fries and a Coke, and you will be in fast food utopia. At this precise moment, you probably aren’t thinking of what’s actually going on inside your body.Well here’s what happens inside.


Ten minutes after eating that scrumptious Big Mac, your blood sugar peaks to an abnormal level thanks to your 540-calorie treat. In addition, eating junk food triggers the reward system in our brains by releasing dopamine (“the feel-good chemicals”). This mechanism works similar to when someone uses drugs such as cocaine but in relation to food, it is likely to cause overeating.


Twenty minutes after eating that warm sesame seed bun, you might be craving more even though you are full. This is due to the high levels of corn syrup and sodium that are highly addictive.


Thirty minutes after chowing down, you probably will start to feel thirsty. You can thank the overwhelming amount of sodium you consumed which equates to 970 milligrams. Your kidneys are working double time trying to excrete the overload of sodium while your heart works harder in an attempt to pump blood through your veins. These two mechanisms combined are known to cause high blood pressure, which is a precursor to heart disease and strokes.

RELATED ARTICLE: 10 Disgusting Facts About Fast Food


At the 40-minute mark, you are probably feeling like you need a snack (hello cottage-cheese thighs). High-calorie foods cause a reaction in which your body tries to regain control by dropping your glucose level. This is why you feel hungry so soon after eating. Since high levels of fructose are absorbed quickly through the gastrointestinal tract, your insulin spikes and indeed, you feel hungry again.


One hour after that last bite, you might feel sluggish and in need of a nap. If you are wondering why, it’s because your body needs 24 to 72 hours to completely digest food and even longer for greasy food such as burgers. To make matters worse, Big Macs contain unhealthy trans fats, which are linked to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

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