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The Only Drink You Need To Banish Your Cravings

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The Only Drink You Need To Banish Your Cravings

The Only Drink You Need To Banish Your Cravings

Many of us have been there: despite the diet you are on, the cravings for sweet, salty or high starch carb foods is ever present and overpowering as well. So we embark on an endless journey, it seems, to stop the cravings. Sadly, most people never succeed because they may be concentrating on the wrong root causes of the cravings. So, what do they do?

A good many people may focus on drinking a variety of proven teas: green, black, an Asian variant, an English specialty and so on. The good news is that they do work, temporarily at least, to squash the cravings, so let’s examine a few of the most popularly used teas consumed to stop food cravings.

Classic cravings consist of strong urges to eat particular foods, usually high energy, high starch and high-fat foods either salty or sweet in nature, if not both. You’ll notice that most people just do not crave broccoli.

RELATED ARTICLE: 7 Unexpected Facts About Green Tea That Will Change The Way You Look At It

Peppermint Tea

According to the Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine, a recent study found that people who engaged in sniffing peppermint every two hours could lose a monthly average of five pounds. One of the most potent tea to use against food cravings, just the sense of peppermint is enough to suppress some people’s appetite and cravings as well.

Dandelion Tea

Commonly found in one’s backyard, wild dandelion curbs cravings; however, it also boosts one’s metabolism while flushing out the kidneys. In its raw or fresh root form, you can use either one to make dandelion tea. Simply boil 3-teaspoons dandelion root per 1-cup water for up to 15 minutes-3 times a day.

Indicated Caution

While drinking certain teas do serve to banish food cravings, moderation is the key here. If consuming large amounts of tea on an empty stomach, dizziness or diarrhea may follow. In contrast, some teas, such as plain black tea, serve to stop diarrhea and may lead to severe constipation. Others, such as licorice or Siberian ginseng, may have other results. Choose wisely, and consult with a health practitioner first if in doubt.

Licorice Tea

Natural licorice, not licorice flavoring, aids in maintaining healthy blood-sugar levels while reducing cravings. However, beware that it can also raise blood pressure somewhat.

Siberian Ginseng Tea

Great for stabilizing blood sugar levels that control craving and appetite, this tea, as licorice, does tend to produce mild high blood pressure. Nevertheless, consider using Siberian ginseng if your stress levels are mild.

RELATED ARTICLE: What Tea You Should Be Drinking Based on Your Blood Type!

Common Causes of Cravings

1 Observe when you get the cravings. Do they come when you are excessively tired or stressed out? This is the number one time that cravings appear according to some research data. Cortisol levels and adrenal glands pushing their limits can also precipitate sugar cravings.

2 Consider the presence of a yeast connection or yeast overgrowth infection. Those little critters inside of you get hungry you know! The late Dr. William Crook, author of the critically acclaimed, The Yeast Connection, suggested that there was a definite connection in systemic overgrowth of Candida Albicans yeast and food cravings, fatigue, headaches and mood swings.

In short, learn to use food, and tea, as a medicine, and learn to listen to your body. How do you deal when a craving comes on you? Do you ever drink any of the above effective tea remedies to deal with the cravings?

In short, learn to use food, and tea, as a medicine, and learn to listen to your body. How do you deal when a craving comes on you? Do you ever drink any of the above effective tea remedies to deal with the cravings?

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