The ‘Dirty Dozen’ Hormone Disruptors You Absolutely Must Avoid

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The 'Dirty Dozen' Hormone Disruptors You Absolutely Must Avoid

12 Toxic Hormone Disruptors Commonly Found in Your Home and How to Avoid Them!

Did you know that lurking in your home are many harmful chemicals, known as endocrine disruptors, or their more common name, hormone doctrines? These chemicals resemble the structure of $e* hormones and can impede the production or activity of these hormones in the human endocrine system. The endoctrine system consists of your pancreas, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and male and female reproductive glands, and is responsible for controlling and managing many body functions, including the production of hormones.

hormone disruptors

Many commonly used household goods are considered endocrine disruptors, and therefore should be used with caution. Potential consequences that exposure to endocrine disruptors can cause:

Increasing of production of certain hormones and decreasing of others
Mimicking hormones
Signaling for cells to die prematurely
Competing with essential nutrients
Can cause infertility
Can increase risk of cancer

The list of harmful ramifications continues, but you get the point, right? These chemicals, though abundant in today’s world, should be avoided any time it is possible to do so to prevent future health conditions caused by the accumulation of toxins from these household products. Their effects are especially damaging to children.

Top 12 common household products to avoid:

1. BPA
Description: A chemical commonly used to manufacture products and resins. It mimics estrogen.
Culprits: It can be found in the resins lining the inside of some canned goods; most receipt paper (thermal paper); polycarbonate plastics marked with recycling label No. 7.

2. Dioxin
Description: A chemical with the power to potentially disrupt male and female $e* hormones. It forms during industrial processes.
Culprits: It can hide in animal products, including meats, milk, fish, and eggs.

3. Perchlorate
Description: A naturally occurring and man-made component found in solid rocket fuel that tampers with thyroid hormones.
Culprits: Bottled drinking water; chewing tobacco; certain foods, including meat from cows who have ingested perchlorate

4. Atrazine
Description: This herbicide is commonly used on corn crops; it is linked to the feminization of male frogs.
Culprits: Found in bottled water and corn crops.

5. Phthalates
Description: These plasticizers have been linked to the death of testicular cells.
Culprits: Plastic toys, plastic food containers, and some personal care products are their favorite hiding spots.

6. Lead
Description: A heavy metal known to lower IQs and cause hearing loss, miscarriage, and premature birth.
Culprits: Bottled drinking water and some older paints and pipes may contain lead.

7. Fire Retardants
Description: These chemicals’ purpose is to make products less flammable. Certain fire retardant chemicals can imitate the hormones in the thyroid.

Culprits: The padding found under carpet, some foam furniture, and house dust can all contain fire retardant chemicals.

8. Arsenic
Description: A toxic chemical with ties to lung cancer, skin,and bladder cancer.
Culprits: Bottled drinking water.

9. Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)
Description: Chemicals that are added to nonstick cookware, upholstery, clothing, tents, and other products in which the water-resistant and stain-repelling capabilities of this chemical can be useful.
Culprits: They are found in non-stick pans, stain- and water-resistant clothing, and furniture.

10. Glycol Ethers
Description: According to the European Union, these solvents can cause damage to an unborn child’s future fertility.
Culprits: They hide in paints, cleaning products, brake fluid, and cosmetics.

11. Organophosphate pesticides
Description: They are pesticides that target the nervous system of insects. They have an infamous association to altering brain development, behavior, and fertility.
Culprits: Find them in traditionally farmed produce.

12. Mercury
Description: This naturally occurring toxic metal can establish itself in the fetal brain and impinge upon development.
Culprits: This metal can be found in certain fish, such as shark, swordfish, and king mackerel.

What It Means
As you can see, dangerous hormone disruptors found their way into your home without your knowledge, and they have the power to seriously alter the way your body functions. They can also cause long-term health issues in your pets. Whenever possible, try to limit the amount of exposure to yourself and loved ones by using eco-friendly, endocrine disruptor-free products, such as certain cleaning supplies, cosmetic, and personal care items. Every little change you make can have a crucial impact on your health!

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