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7 Common Reasons Why Women Say NO to Your Marriage Proposal!

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7 Common Reasons Why Women Say NO to Your Marriage Proposal!

7 Common Reasons Why Women Say NO to Your Marriage Proposal!

When you are proposing to a woman, you are hoping that they say yes. Unfortunately, women may not always say yes. Learning the reasons why women may decline a proposal can help you hopefully avoid that scenario playing out in your life.

Things are Moving Too Fast
A man may have a feeling inside of him that this is going to be the woman he spends the rest of his life with quickly, and he is ready to show her with a proposal. However, women may need more time to analyze the situation and work towards those same feelings. If you propose too early in the relationship, the woman may decline it.

Her Family and Friends Dislike You
Another reason a woman may decline a proposal is because her friends and family either don’t know you, or don’t like you. Always seek approval from these people before proposing.

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She Never Wants to Get Married
Not every woman wants to get married. If a woman has told you she doesn’t see herself ever getting married in the future, listen to and believe her. If she has expressed this sentiment, and you propose, there’s a good chance, you will be shot down.

You Don’t Want the Same Things in Life
If you and the woman you are in love with want different things in your lives, a marriage may not be the cards for you. For example, she wants kids and you don’t. In this scenario, it’s unlikely she will accept your proposal, no matter how much she loves you.

She Wants to Do Things Before She Gets Married
Before anyone gets married, they may want to experience a few things or accomplish their goals. They may want to travel, date other people or experience more of what single life has to offer. If she has goals she wants to meet before getting married, and you propose before she accomplishes those goals, she may say no.

She Doesn’t Think You Are Mature Enough for Marriage
While you may think you are ready for marriage, your girlfriend may not. If you aren’t established in your career, don’t have your finances in order, or still live a bachelor lifestyle, don’t be surprised if she says no when you bring up the topic of marriage.

Your Proposal Wasn’t Everything She Envisioned
Women who want to get married envision the perfect proposal. The anticipation of this event is constantly in the forefront of her mind when the relationship has gotten serious and she is ready to commit. But, should your proposal lack sentiment or romance, she may decline.

When you propose to a woman, you are envisioning happily ever after with her. However, she may not be at the same place as you or ready for that type of commitment. Learning to read women and understand what they want from you before they propose can help you to ensure that when you do propose, she says yes and you can begin planning your future together.

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