6 Ways To Increase That Romantic Connection Without Physical Contact

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6 Ways To Increase That Romantic Connection Without Physical Contact

6 Ways To Increase The Romantic Connection Without Physical Contact

Sometimes, you just can’t enjoy a night of passionate love making with your spouse. There are many reasons why you may not be able to enjoy “hooking up” with your partner. Maybe you need relationship counseling, or you are experiencing pain in an other wise pleasurable act , erectile dysfunction or some other type of illness. However, these issues don’t have to mean the end of your relationship. Expressing yourselves in sensual ways can, in many cases, enhance a relationship.

“Getting it on” isn’t the end all to be all of a relationship. A good marriage or relationship includes closeness and enjoying each other. If you need some relationship advice, check out these timeless tips to help you get closer to your significant other.

Put Your Phones Aside

Cell phones provide a good way to pass time, but when it’s time to play with your partner, stop playing with your phone. In fact, it’s a good idea to just put your phone down entirely so that you can give your partner your undivided attention.

Show Interest in Your Lover’s Life

Sharing interests with your partner is a good way to bond with him or her. Try to go beyond the mundane “how was your day” phrase. If you show genuine concern in your lover’s activities, you will probably find topics of interest that you wouldn’t have known otherwise.

Find Ways to Get Close with Your Partner

Many long-term relationships become void of touching until it’s time to get it on in the bedroom. You can break this trend by touching your partner throughout the day. Try new things that can spice up your relationship like a romantic picnic indoors by candlelight.

Create the Atmosphere of Compassion

Show your partner that you care about the little things that attracted you to them in the beginning of your relationship. Remind them of the things that you love about them like the quirky way they tell a joke or their way of thinking. Chivalry isn’t dead yet, so remember to treat your partner with respect even when you’re angry.

Learn to Learn From Each Other

First you have to have an open mind. You can always learn something from your partner when they have something to say if you’re not on the defensive. Try to be compassionate when you communicate with your partner instead of wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Work Together

Never go to bed angry. Instead, try to talk about your problems in a respectful manner. Work on the solutions to your problems without getting upset about the position your partner takes on the matter. Come up with workable solutions that you can both agree upon and stick to it. This way you will have a long and happy relationship.


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