
The Positive Side of Medicine

See What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey on An Empty Stomach in the Morning!

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See What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey on An Empty Stomach in the Morning!

See What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey on An Empty Stomach in the Morning!

Raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar and honey are two of nature’s miracle substances. Vinegar has been used since ancient times, when people noticed that their grape juice, when neglected, accidentally turned into wine and then vinegar. Hippocrates already applied vinegar 2,400 years ago to heal wounds, and Columbus is said to have had drums of apple cider vinegar on his ship “Santa Maria” to prevent his sailors from getting scurvy.

Both honey and apple cider vinegar have amazing health benefits on their own, but when used together as a drink, the delicious combination is a powerful preventative medicine for your body. A mixture of these two relieves acid reflux, general indigestion, flatulence and constipation, as well as problems with arthritis or any kind of joint and muscle pain.

On its own, honey has a low pH and raises the alkalinity of the body. Vinegar is acidic, but turns alkaline when taken in. Often our bodies are too acidic, leading to many other difficulties including low energy, infections, and inflammation. Cancer is an example of a disease that grows easily in an environment that is too acidic. Together, an apple cider vinegar and honey drink will aggressively reduce the acidity in the body to a healthy pH.

Apple cider vinegar, when taken regularly, leads to sufficient vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the body. Especially children, pregnant women, athletes, smokers, and stressed people require more vitamins and minerals, and this can be balanced by taking a glass of apple cider vinegar with honey every day.

The benefits are virtually endless. Here are some more perks to help you consider why you want to include this tasty drink in your daily regimen:

Overall health is improved because this mixture kills harmful bacteria, the cause of many diseases
Incredible energy booster
Eliminates bad breath
Cholesterol and blood pressure reduction
Clears blemishes from the skin, makes your skin more youthful looking and healthy
Helps with your fight against excess weight by reducing appetite
Lowers glucose levels
Generally detoxifies the body
Helps the gut grow the healthy bacteria you need and reduce issues like candida

How to do it? Simple. With your water, preferably purified water, mix in 1 – 2 teaspoons of vinegar with 1 teaspoon of honey. You can also enjoy it as a hot drink. Don’t worry if it tastes strong at first, you will soon find it very delicious and look forward to drinking it. For best results, drink up in the morning on an empty stomach a half hour prior to eating any food.

Be sure to purchase unfiltered or unprocessed vinegar (it will look slightly cloudy in the bottle and have some pulpy stuff floating at the bottom) because these still contain all the useful nutritional properties. Pasteurized or distilled vinegar kills off all of the useful enzymes. Key for experiencing the amazing results of this wonder drink is taking it daily. You will see results after using it for just a short period of time. Try it and discover the benefits for yourself!

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