Sharing Drinks With Someone Else: Can You Really Catch a Disease?

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Sharing Drinks With Someone Else: Can You Really Catch a Disease?

Sharing Drinks With Someone Else: Can You Really Catch a Disease?

In order to reach the daily recommended amount of water, many people take water bottles with them to school, work, and other public places. Water provides many benefits, including increased motivation, heightened energy, and enhanced brain function. Not drinking enough water can cause decreased motivation, lowered energy, and impaired brain function.

Bottles of water are frequently shared between . Sharing drinks is so common you may not realize that you can catch diseases and other illnesses from it. Saliva naturally slips into a drink even when you only take one sip. Some viruses, bacteria, and other germs live in saliva. Therefore, it’s possible to catch multifarious diseases and illnesses from sharing drinks.

Sharing Drinks With Someone Else Can You Really Catch a Disease

Examples of Illnesses You Can Catch from Sharing Drinks

Herpes Simplex – There are two types of the herpes simplex virus: Type 1 and Type 2. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) causes cold sores to appear around the mouth. A fact not many people know is that HSV-1 can also trigger HSV-2, which is the type that forms sores on the genitals or rectum. Sores from HSV-2 sometimes occur in other locations, but are usually in the genital area. HSV-1 is spread through saliva or sores on the skin. Sharing a toothbrush, utensils, and drinks are various ways you can catch the HSV-1.

Common Cold – More than 100 different viruses can make you fall ill with the common cold, which is usually not deadly but uncomfortable for 1-2 weeks. Unlike the Herpes Simplex, the common cold usually doesn’t remain dormant in your body for a long time before initiating symptoms. Typically, you’ll experience symptoms 1-3 days after catching it. The most common virus that triggers a cold is the rhinovirus and it is highly contagious. Aside from being spread through the air, it is also caught through sharing utensils and drinks.

Strep Throat – Caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes (also known as group A streptococcus), strep throat is a painful illness of the throat and respiratory system that is easily spread. If the condition is left untreated, it can lead to rheumatic fever or kidney inflammation.

RELATED ARTICLE: Strep Throat Symptoms And What You Can Do

Other more serious illnesses, such as mumps, mononucleosis, meningitis are sometimes caught through sharing drinks as well because of being found in saliva.

As with many illnesses, some people carry the pathogen without experiencing any symptoms. Therefore, you can catch a disease or illness from someone who appears perfectly healthy. You have no way of telling whether or not they are a carrier.

Unfortunately, if you ever share water bottles or other drinks with someone, then you’re putting yourself at risk for acquiring an illness they either have or are carrying. Likewise, you put them at risk for falling ill with whatever may be contained within your saliva. A good rule of thumb is: if you wouldn’t kiss them on the lips, then don’t share a drink.

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