These “Healthy” Drinks Put Soda to Shame!

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These "Healthy" Drinks Put Soda to Shame!

These “Healthy” Drinks Put Soda to Shame!

Most of us know that sodas have no place in a healthy diet. You may be among the growing number of people focusing on making smarter food and beverage choices. Fruit juice, teas, and smoothies may sound like healthy alternatives. Well, think again. Many of these drinks, typically marketed as healthy, are loaded with a shocking amount of hidden sugar. Nutritionists are exposing prepared fruit juices and smoothies as a health danger equal to soda. Beverage companies often market these drink with phrases like “all natural” or “contains real fruit.” The companies leave out the fact that these drinks contain as much or more sugar than soda. Many of these drinks are also sold in sizes that are meant to be two or three servings.
sugar drinks
The following are some of the so called “healthy” drinks with the highest sugar content:
Tropicana Twister: 
A 20 ounce serving contains 87.5 grams of sugar. That is the same sugar content as 7.8 Krispy Kreme Donuts.

Minute Maid Lemonade:

You get 67.5 grams of sugar in a 20 ounce serving. That is roughly equal to 6 Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

SoBe Power Fruit Juice:

A 20 ounce serving has 60 grams of sugar which is about the same at 13 Oreos.

Lipton Iced Tea:

You get a staggering 53 grams of sugar in a 20 ounce serving. That is more than twice the daily sugar intake recommended by the World Health Organization.

Naked Juice Energy Smoothie:

One 15 ounce serving has 53 grams of sugar. That roughly the equivalent of 15 Chips Ahoy cookies.

SoBe Energize Green Tea/SoBe Green Tea:

You may think green tea is a healthier choice since it contains natural antioxidants. Not in this case. Each of these teas contain 51 grams of sugar per 20 ounce serving.

Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng and Honey:

The words green tea, ginseng, and honey make this drink sound relatively healthy; however, it still contains 51 grams of sugar.

Minute Maid Apple Juice:

You consume 49 grams of sugar in a 15.2 ounce serving. That is roughly the same as 20 Hershey’s Kisses.

Fuze Iced Tea:

A 20 ounce serving is loaded with 43 grams of sugar which is about the same as 16 Starburst candies.

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