A Mom Dressed Her Daughter As 5 Kick-Ass Women Instead of Disney Princess and the Result is Astonishing!
When this mom went to the internet to search for fun ideas for her next photography project, she was dismayed to find the suggestions fit primarily into a single category. She wanted to dress her daughter up in various costumes for a series of photos, and the best ideas out there were all Disney Princesses. This got her wondering who are some positive role models for young girls? Doctors, lawyers, pilots and such. So, this mom set out to recreate photos of famous, important women in history with her daughter as the model. Young girls should have real women to look up to, to aspire to be like, to want to dress up as for Halloween. Instead, they’re handed a roster of options that are fictional, animated, and pigeonholed. This mom is did it right by choosing to give her daughter a glimpse of real-world possibilities rather than fill the entirety of her childhood with fantasies.
Susan B. Anthony
Coco Chanel
Amelia Earhart
Helen Keller
Jane Goodall
The photographer’s daughter, Emma.