7 Tell Tale Signs You Are in a Relationship With A Commitment-phobe

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7 Tell Tale Signs You Are in a Relationship With A Commitment-phobe

7 Tell Tale Signs You Are in a Relationship With A Commitment-phobe

So you’ve finally met your Mr. Right, he loves you just like you’ve always dreamed, he takes you out on dates quite often, buys you flowers, sends you romantic messages and buys you romantic and things seems perfect. Soon, he is not available anymore, the flowers become less often, he no longer calls and the text messages become scarce. You might be in a relationship with a commitment-phobe and relationship therapy may not help. If he suddenly seems to be distant from you, it is because he is and you will need this coming relationship advice. Here are some top seven signs that he is a commitment-phobe:

7 Tale Tale Signs You Are in a Relationship With A Commitment-phobe

• He has not introduced you to his friends or family- You have dated him for quite some time now but have not met any of his friends or family member, it is a common sign that he is a commitment-phobe. Most men who are commitment-phobes do not want to be transparent with their activities

• You do not know his home- he spends a lot of time at your place but you have not been to his place yet. If you have seen his place, it is more like a hotel room where he showers, changes clothes and sleeps when he is not with you.

• Most of the times he is working, traveling, or something else seems to have his full attention but not you- specialists who offer relationship advice suggest that most commitment-phobes spend their energy and time on other things so they have no time to connect with their spouse

• He has no plans- whether long term or short term, he does not seem to have plans, and if he does, they do not include you. He will cancel or be unavailable for any plans including you.

• His charm disappears as soon as he wins you over- commitment-phobes only love passionate and brief relationships

• Pets or kids have all his love- he is attached to things he feels they will not betray or hurt him but lacks a similar attachment with you for fear of losing you.

• He is emotionally absent- something seems to be holding him back emotionally. He is not available for you emotionally because he also does not want invest in you emotionally.

Watch out for these signs because even relationship therapy might not salvage your relationship.

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