Never Settle: If You Don’t Feel Head Over Heels, It Isn’t Worth It

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Never Settle: If You Don't Feel Head Over Heels, It Isn't Worth It

Never Settle: If You Don’t Feel Head Over Heels, It Isn’t Worth It

Dating is a risky business for both sides in a relationship. You will either marry someone or break up with them, and you are trusting your heart to someone who was once a total stranger. Settling in a relationship is the worst thing you can do to yourself, and this article explains why settling is wrong for you.

Never Settle If You Dont Feel Head Over Heels, It Isnt Worth It

#1: You Have Standards

You have standards for yourself that may have been worn away with years of disappointment, but you should not give up your standards. Someone who does not meet your standards will disappoint you soon enough. You do not want to be too deep in a relationship when that person disappoints you. Breaking up a safer option for both of you.

#2: You Are Hurting Your Partner

You may blow away your partner, but your partner might not blow you away. Some people simply do not fit together, and you will truly break your partners heart by stringing them along. Your partner deserves to find someone who thinks they are the best thing in the whole world. Letting them go is the only fair thing to do.

#3: You Are Wasting Your Time

Every moment you spend with someone who does not blow you away is a moment you are missing with someone in the future. The person of your dreams is out there, but you are not actively seeking them out. Settling for a relationship could take years off your life that you cannot get back.

#4: You Will Lose Who You Are

Your standards for a partner are shaped partly by who you are as a person. Your personality is found in what you value in another person, and you are not being true to yourself if you are not with someone you can be yourself around. Someone you settled for will make your feel uncomfortable, and your personality will be trapped behind the façade you created for the sake of the relationship.

People settle for their partners every day, and good years are taken away from relationships that would have been much more successful. You should not waste your time with someone you are not crazy about, and you should not waste the time of someone who thinks everything is going well. Your partner has a right to go on the same journey you desire for yourself, and you can start that journey today when you decide not to settle.

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